Game Crashes

Can anyone help me with this, I’m using a Mac with Sonoma. Almost immediately after opening the game, before I can even log in, it crashes. I’m getting the following error: 423476DB-C7B1-45AF-A56E-9547466DD2C0

Is there a fix for this? I’ve allowed multiple instances of battlenet, and I’ve added both WoW and Battlenet to my firewall allowances. TYIA!


Can you provide more information? Model, CPU, RAM amount, etc?

Seems like you’re encountering the same issue reported here:

Unfortunately, there is no definitive fix reported and no official ETA. I’ve been back and forth with support for the past couple of weeks and just ended up unsubscribing. Still hoping for a fix, though…

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I was able to get it working for me using Slotil’s steps provided here [Feedback Needed] WoW Crashing on connect under macOS Sonoma (14.0) - #245 by Slotii-mankrik
Allowed the game to crash a few times after making these changes and I was able to play. Good luck!