Game Crashes When Opening Map

EDIT: I thought that mounting up was also related to the map being opened because of how I always do the two in quick succession but it appears now that those incidents are just coincidentally 100% failure rate and now opening the map while just already flying around and whatever without taking more action prompts related to my mount are on again, off again, inconsistent game crashes.

No matter what, it’s DEFINITELY map-related.

No addons running or even installed at this point.


This sounds the same as it what is happening for me. And likely same bug as reported below.

This happens to me once a day at least.

mounting near anything illuminated may cause this crash ive noticed . expecially those flames. ive manipulated the video setting but to no avail this is definitely something the devs need to look into and fix

Very difficult for gathering profession today. I had this freeze ever since pre-patch. For me it’s definitely map-related and sometimes quest log (right hand side) while FLYING. I dont think it freezes if I’m not flying.

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