Game Crash : Warlock Legion Hall Intro Quest

I’ve made 3 warlocks and tried to start in legion to do the Dalaran Underbelly intro quest for the legion class hall/mount quest line and the game keeps crashing after entering the portal when the demon disapears.

I tried to make a post last but I cannot find it again. My apologies if this is a double post.

Any help would be appreciated, i’m attempting to make an enchanter to run dungeons with and my heart was set on Warlock.

Thank you for any help you can offer.


Warlock class halls are super bugged. My warlock has been trapped since 10.0.7 went live there is no way out :frowning: I opened a ticket and finally got a response saying they are working on it and not to go to warlock order halls but have not had my warlock freed yet. Any attempts to log in will result in game crashing. If your warlock is in the order hall good luck, if your warlock is not in order hall stay out.


Thank you! I thought I had a setting in the options that was causing the game to crash or something.
I suppose i’ll make something else to play instead of warlock or make the warlock and go to another expansion instead.

Thank you again for clearing that up.


Yep, Me too. Same exact problem.


Same issue here. Deactivated all addon’s, turned all graphic settings all the way down, still no luck. Crashes a few seconds after the loading screen pops up after summoning that demon.


That happened to me, and they moved my character out of the Order Hall to Elwynn Forest. I can’t imagine why they haven’t done that for you.

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They fixed the warlock class hall in Legion with that update that just happend. My warlock was able to enter and leave with no problem now after several days .

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