Game Breaking Bug with Catalyst

For me it is. I pay the same $15 as everyone else and I just tmog farm.

It’s the equivalent to when M+ was disabled earlier in the season

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Oddly, I agree with you. I don’t expect Bliz to just let me have the high version looks when all I do is LFR. If I want it, I should do the content.

I still feel that LFR keeps it’s stats/bonuses though. I just think that if you want the look/color, you should have to do the content to earn it. Within reason- like say you have run that boss like 10 weeks and haven’t seen any loot just because of bad RNG you should at least get the look. Or they rework how the transmog roll works: if you have a higher ilvl, no you shouldn’t be able to roll need; however the transmog button shouldn’t be competing with need rolls, but have it’s own separate roll mechanism.

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It’s not game breaking because there is still a way to get the transmog. It’s just not the way YOU wanted to be able to obtain them. That’s a you problem not the developers problem. Do the correct content to get them instead of trying to use old loopholes and expect them to still work.

Has been since I’ve come back to the game at least 8.2. They should fix that, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t fix the egregious under-rewarding M+ seasonal rewards.

That said, even if they did fix it, it’s not like you get could PVP rewards by doing PVE. So I stand by not feeling bad.


Yeah,they’re gone you no longer get them from last season so the complete set i was farming,I hope we can complete them in the future,got to look good.

Yep waste of time farming the Conq pieces for me now :sleepy:

Too bad this isn’t true, huh? :rofl:

technically you can do that one pvp brawl mode, comp stomp, right? or does that not give conquest

interesting to see a beibz thread in gd

Duty calls :saluting_face:

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I agree with the OP. This is a terrible change if intended


I’m so glad I’m not the only player who is confused upset and a bit furious with this change. I hope it’s just a bug, but at the same time after reading some of these other comments I can see their point about why we shouldn’t get the piece set looks. However… You can do world bosses and mythic and get full Aberrus set unlocked for transmog purposes. If they take that away from us PvPer’s I’ll be so upset. Pray it’s a bug that needs fixing, because yes it does suck with it being same named item as raid drops and not unlocking appearances.

So missing transmog prevents your game from logging in?