Gallagio Garbage is a pretty garbage experience

It’s been significantly buffed in a silent hotfix.

It’s about a 33% chance to spawn now, AND you can loot the mount on subsequent kills of the same day on the same character - at least according to the group leader in the group I’m in who said his friend got it on their second kill of the day.

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We did it, chat, I had faith.

Will be a few hours before I can join in but enjoy your kills!

if thats true then lots of people will have it tomorrow when realms are up and everyones farming trash for the new rep token turns in to get exalted fast

def spawning more but 3 kills now junk soo not sure about farming on 1 toon but well see

lol just spawned again and got junk again

See imo it should be one try per day per toon, but that’s just an opinion, not something I won’t Anna push on other players

people are saying you can farm on 1 toon but so far 4 kills all gray item…but they say its only jetpack mount and pet that can loot even if u killed already…but 3 spawns back to back def spawn increased

From what I’ve heard the pet was removed as a drop by the time the patch went live

Prop going to a vendor or achievement

Good job Blizzard! Thank you for listening! The community feels appreciated and heard on this issue =)


You know its telling that they will make all of you dig through literal garbage, and you still won’t have a spine and unsub for good.

I’m at 10. But I also watched a mage kill all 10 with me and get it on the 10th kill.

And yet you’re here on the forums of said game, wasting your precious breath, posting about a game you hate.

Not the gotcha you think this is.

Thank you, Blizzard! 5 kills so far, working on it!


seems strange that mount and mog can drop on same toon over and over, also wonder if u LEARNED IT and KNOW IT if it will still drop

Or we can give feedback, like we did, and they can fix it, like they did.

Their communication could be better and they could certainly do better about compensating players for bugs but they are better at addressing pain points these days.


Yes, feedback like this is super important. If we don’t give feedback then the game will never improve!


Thanks for the fix, Blizzard. Common Wårio L

Didn’t know this thing dropped a mount til I saw this post. Went and ‘farmed’ it, did about 12ish trash piles saw the rare twice and got it second time it popped up. So yes you can farm it on one toon. I just did.

If this is as rare as people say then I guess I’m lucky.

I never said I hate the game. But its funny that people are complaining about having to go through garbage on a garbage game for a mount they’re never going to use more than once anyways.

I had one mount drop for me as well today! I’ve seen the garbage boss 3 times now over the weekend and today?

Probably just super lucky. I put in my favorite list so it will show up from time to time.