Galakras still bugged

The Galakras fight is still bugged. Apparently it’s been bugged since last week. Since MOP Remix just launched allowing daily lockouts of this raid, it would be nice if this was a top priority of Blizz’s to fix… people in retail were looking forward to the daily lockout for the chance at the mount.


Daily lockouts??? What you talking about Willis

And I can’t help but wonder if it’s bugged because of remix

Pandaria raids are on a daily lockout during Pandaria remix.

not in regular game i imagine

You’d imagine wrong

Most Pandaria raids were noticed to have switched to daily lockouts before Remix went live.

So basically nothing is a bug…it’s just remix ruined pandaria retail for the time being….galakras is going to remain unsoloable until remix finishes and they undo whatever changes they made for it

Galakras appeared to have become no longer soloable at the drop of 10.2.7, which may have been caused by setting up Remix.

If this isn’t specifically a bug, it would be because the developers decided it’s an acceptable side effect of the intentional changes for Remix.

This is still happening as of today. Fix would be nice.

Confirmed on this mage. No longer soloable. It’s back to requiring 2 players for the cannons to synchronize the attacks.

Wait wait wait. They reverted this boss back to needing 2 people> Or has it been fixed to only require one? I literally as of 10 minutes ago finally got my Tusks of Mannoroth and am now free to solo the whole thing to finish my Monk first and then my other toons so Please let me know if you Have Done galakras recently and it was how it used to be before MoP remix ruined it.

Galakras requires two people, however there is a bug where I have seen it downed with only one cannon rather than both firing at him. It seems that is an inconsistent bug. Regardless, for Remix they removed the soloability change, so without the bug bypassing it, you will need one other person.

Shame to see its not fixed by now seeing how many people are talking about it. Just goes to show what is a priority and what is not to Blizzard.

Which is honestly weird since you can easily solo raids depending on your ilvl and thread counts. And that was one of the main appeals of remix. You get to be super op and destroy stuff.

kinda insane that a blizzard dev confirmed they were aware of this bug over 2 months ago and still have not fixed it, multi dollar company

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Still bugged… Wasted a bunch of time. Please fix and let us know it’s been fixed Blizz!

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Not enough nagging on our part to pressure this company to not just fix a bug like this but the never ending bugs and just over quality of life changes to old raids and raid bosses that have not had a single change since they came out. Spine of Deathwing for Example. Never been fixed or modified or has a skip to bypass a boss fight legitemately needing more than 1 person up to a max of 5 at the least to do it in 1 shot every time.

I can guarantee you that the Legendary Rogue Daggers are the least collected and least attempted in the games history. Not to mention a Mount tied to a meta achievement that awards another mount which only drops off the final boss not to mention the weapon transmogs from that fight are also desireable but are locked behind a fight that the average to above average which hasalways shown me how lazy these people are. They deliver very poor quality expansions the last 3 to be exact. All they ever added was sub par raids and content patches devoid of anything really considered content. Dragonflight is the prime example of this 60-70 was great 70>now as of writing this has been lackluster patch on repeat. Bringing back old outdated content for an idea since having something to do with the expansion never got thought up copious amounts of hourly or bi hourly events that are usually done once by people and maybe more than 1 or more times for people who like to collect stuff <that is the catergory for me but still having so many events and old content patches is not content as a whole. I would say something about tier 3 and its disasterous comeback but I have said that enough its lost all meaning. And now we are at the ending of Dragonflight with a Pre Patch for The War Within Imminent I can safely say in my own words that Dragonflight is now on the bottom of the list of wow expansions Shadowlands above that then BFA then Cataclysm Wrath then WoD then LegionThen TBC then Vanilla then MoP taking the top spot. You might have a different list that is fine my list is not a be all end all to follow just what I prefer.

I got off on a tangent but my Point is that they are very very disorganized with this game either lack of care lack of staff lack of talent with that staff etc. Or they just put all available people left in the WoW the team working on The War Within and I can understand that they most likely went that route since they need to make another Legion level expansion or better or they know they are going to crumble as bad as Dragonflight Shadowlands and BFA those expansions started to break the foundation of this game and anymore Dead Weight that is added to it will shatter that foundation faster than the on under Malygos in the Eye of Eternity raid. You might ask what evidence I have to show etc and I don’t really need to add any if you cant already see the cracks in game and on this very forum as in the evidence and concerns of other users then I don’t think you are a seasoned wow player. So take my words with all the pinches of salt you need but keep in mind that these facts are mostly true.

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Hey Blizz it would be nice if you actually addressed the player base that actually pays the salaries. I mean a lot of players still want this. Why would you not at least address the base. Its not even about fixing it its about respecting the base and answering all the above questions. Blizz you have been known to let known bugs go for years and just give excuses why you don’t have the time to fix them. This base equates to you saying you care nothing for the player base. Some people derive enjoyment from mount farming, some leveling, some pet farming. You as a company should respect and place as much importance on fixing the bugs as you place on PVP fix’s . Just came back to Wow and already disappointed. Why would I promote friends to come back when your customer service sucks. Either way my opinion doesnt matter but I a, going to give it to you anyway. Also having more than 1 person needed to farm world mounts why a big push on single player seems kinda short sighted. Not everyone has a guild or 3, 4 ,5 people any more those days seem a distant memory.


Since MoP Remix is now done can anyone confirm if its been changed back to how it was. Or if no one knows I am fine doing a Quick LFR check.

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This appears to still be an issue…