I tried that as well and she just won’t get off the dragon, I am wondering if it’s something to do with the remix coming up or just another 10.2.7 bug.
Saw this in a run last night. In the original version of this fight, you had to take both towers and have another person on the other cannon to shoot him. At some point they changed it to let you double-tap him with one cannon.
Double-tapping no longer works, so you need 2 people to do this again.
Was doing these runs for transmog over the last few weeks, went to do it 2 days ago and Galakras is completely unkillable.
Did the run on my Hunter, hoping for the bow from Galakras, hit it 50+ times (Not kidding) with the tower turrets and he refused to drop.
Went to do the run tonight on my Monk, hit it 15 times before giving up.
Probably has something to do with the change to make Siege of Orgrimmar on a daily lockout instead of weekly (go do your plate runs for the Shoulders daily)
Still incredibly annoying you can’t even do anything except the first 4 bosses and Garrosh.
I think I know what’s going on (I’m sure), during Mists of Pandaria, it was required to hit Galakras with both cannons within a 3-second window to bring him down. Over time, this was nerfed in retail so that only one cannon was needed, making it soloable. With the arrival of Remix, the boss is functioning again as it did back then to make sense in a large group. And well, since Remix is in the Retail client, so… It’s not a bug.
Absolutely a bug. Or, rather, one of those things where right hand at Blizzard doesn’t know what the left hand is doing. Blue post literally said:
" * Battle for Azeroth raid mechanics which block legacy encounter completion for small groups have been adjusted to be more permissive. Groups of five or fewer players should no longer be blocked by mechanics that cannot be completed at that raid size."
How about a group of ONE??? That’s just another giant F U to the playerbase. Sure, let’s put the raid on the daily lockout but make it impossible to solo in retail (no, I don’t have the skip because I absolutely despise this raid, with the neverending RP and stupid mechanics, it takes forever, so I kept delaying it).
I’m more inclined to agree with this, but I maintain that it’s NOT a bug previously confirmed by developers in very similar past instances, such as in Dragonflight S2 during which it was impossible to obtain the [Pandaria Hero Glory] due to mechanics changes in the Temple of the Jade Serpent. Incompetence? Yes. Bug? No.
Now, I’m not quite sure which BFA raid you’re referring to, but as far as I know, all of them can currently be soloed.
Chances are you need to hit him with both cannons in quick succession at the moment. This tracks with Garrosh having his pre-nerf health restorations, and the Timeless Isle spawns having a minute-long protection on them, which was the state of these features when they launched.
I don’t imagine this will be “fixed” until Remix is done and dusted, at which point it will likely all go back to how it was pre 10.2.7 (though this may or may not require a patch).
I was so angry, my brain was ahead of my typing. I meant to make a point that Blizzard clearly knows how to adjust mechanics based on group size so they didn’t have to break Galakras on retail just because they need the mechanics on remix.
I followed the Youtube video to skip Galakras on my rogue (with grappling hook) and go to Iron Juggernaut. Took about half an hour to get it right (first two times I dropped inside Org walls and ended up in an empty city with no mobs and all gates closed, so I had to hearth out and start over). But at least now I have the Garrosh skip for my other alts. And I also remembered how long and annoying that raid is.
has anyone tested this in Pre Patch would be nice to know if its been fixed. Now that unlocking appearances is doable on 1 character besides class specific drops I would love to get back into full SoO runs