It’s damage control because someone along the line messed up, and now they are pretending they meant for this all along. Instead of admitting it was a mistake, they are rolling with it. Typical of them.
I love classic, but why do all of the classic players have to come to the retail forums to try and drop a fat deuce on people here? Sure, complain about it, but just do it on your own forums instead of being jerks about it here.
“NoBoDy CaReS aBoUt ReTaIL…” shut it and go to your own forums.
infuriating company. the mere 20k ppl that play retail, already have every class capped. while the rest of the 80+% of the player base is purposefully ignored.
If you think 80% of WoW’s active users are in Classic idk what to tell you.
And I really love Classic (disappointed in how TBC turned out though. That boost. oof)
I’m envisioning a scene at Blizz HQ, folks around the conference table, discussing all the troll threads of late and wondering if they can come up with an even better one.
This right here - this is the result of that discussion. The master troll thread from Blizzard itself.
Hate to break it to you but classic isn’t vanilla “classic” wow. It’s gone through many changes so no one cares anymore. Even the XP reqs are not the same.
I feel sooooooo smurt like I can do anything woooooooo this is awesome. I do have to say tho that I don’t get why you removed the experience buff on boa if you were going to do stuff like this anyway Blizzard. If any of you ever even read this anyway.
there are more demo warlock parses, than entire player bases inside ZM?
I think that’s more because right now nobody has many reasons to be in Zereth Mortis anymore.
I don’t really get the Us vs Them tribalism with classic and retail anyway. The same company is working on both, they are both accessible with the same sub… I think most people play both games even if one or the other is a favorite.
People are weird they think they are better cause they play a game they think is better. If it were up to them I’m sure we’d all only be playing Classic TBC or Classic WoW and they’d delete retail. It’s pretty weird but hey whatever I guess at least they are having fun.
Something something… about pots and kettles
no not really. i hate attention. thats why im a rogue so i can stealth away…
Nice. Now to decide whether or not turning on Warmode.
Would love if you guys kept this around till DF. You know how the community gets so bored with things, maybe this will give some “the push” they need to enjoy some questing / leveling before DF comes.
Cool guess I’ll level up my two new alliance alts I made now I can send mail between my horde and alliance characters
Exactly. This.
PLEASE keep active til DF launches, not just season 4.
Nah, it’s the gameplay and all the RPG features around leveling, not the pacing itself. That was optimal in wrath with heirlooms IMO.
I don’t necessarily need retail to be faster, though. I’d much rather see the chromie time cap extended or removed.
Can we please just keep this buff up until the end of the xpac… Gives us casual players more to do, other then just two weeks of content. Im sure ill run season 4 things until i finish them, then after that, then what? Unsub and wait? Or Level more alts and keep playing.
Don’t be surprised if they “listen to feedback” and make it happen.