Gain 1000+cr in solo shuffle as a healer in just a few hours with this one WEIRD trick

Once logged into World of Warcraft …

  • follow these 5 simple steps and you will be on your way to higher cr in solo shuffle (and with no fancy pills, hard-to-stick to diets, or having to spend countless hours working on improving):
  1. Hit the Escape key on your keyboard.

  2. Click on ‘Options’ from the pop-up menu.

  3. On the Game tab and under Gameplay on the left side of your screen, select ‘Social’.

  4. Check the box labeled ‘Disable Chat’.

  5. Queue up and profit.

You’re welcome gamers :slight_smile:


You can also right-click your chat tab, unselect /say, /emote, /yell, /whisper, and all the party/raid/instance stuff. Click back on when done…you don’t need most of it, frankly. Turn on some music, maybe wow music, or select a show and get your pew pew pew on.

Also, Q for some random/epic bgs to clean the palate when done.

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i thought healers just queu up and ignore the queue pop.


idk if any meaningful amount of people do that lol. Sounds kind of evil.

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I love when I load into a solo shuffle as a healer and ask “Target?”, get no response, then watch both my dps attack different targets because they don’t have chat enabled.

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What if we like getting banned?

Or, you actually pick a target and agree on one but they’re all over the place, one on the healer and one not even on the original target.

Or, when they chase said target deep into enemy territory and line you, and don’t have the presence of mind to swap to the dps that is lining THEIR healer.

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Sounds like y’all want 3v3, but with none of the effort. I don’t think it’s gonna work.

Q for some random/epic bgs, if randoms is your thing.

What I HATE is when something has worked for 5 rounds, and on the 6th round they just W key at the healer… while having 0 regard for anything else. I went 5-1 because tmy team tried to W key the enemy Hpally against Dev/Aff lmao…

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But, if I turn off the chat I won’t know who to not heal in the upcoming games…


That’s a familiar one for sure.


On a more serious note and all memes aside, I’m not joking about what I said in the op.

I don’t know if it’s just me being able to focus better/get locked in when I have chat disabled, or if it simply feels easier to win/climb because I’m avoiding having random e-warriors enter my headspace with negativity, but I swear disabling chat is super underrated, and you will climb higher with it disabled imo (at least somewhat higher).

It can be a bit annoying to swap back and forth when you want to get something crafted, or when you want to do some casual 2s/bgs with friends, but having it disabled is like a magical tilt-prevention trick, and as jaded as I am sometimes, I actually enjoy shuffle so much more without chat enabled.

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Guess I’ll put it to the test, I’m getting extremely bored farming BGB 50 conquest per with no rating tied to it. I’ve sworn off RSS the whole expansion so far, but I’m getting pretty close to just queuing it for conquest.

Started me out above 2k MMR and you barely lose MMR for going 1-5, so far so good. xD

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Now if it’s one of those rounds that looks like it’s going to be a loss. Sure go for it but when it’s YOUR guaranteed win, It’s dumb to switch it up.

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Yea, I created an entire chat tab devoted to Blitz Brawl that pretty much does that. I labeled the tab Blitz :slight_smile:

No need to go to the extremes the original poster discussed. Whenever I enter a Blitz, I just click on that tab. Problem solved.

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I like getting messages from my fans

Yah, I do that with Services. I have a tab just for Services. Every once in awhile, I tab over, and report all the low lvl ad bots. Sometimes, on Moon Guard there are 25+ low lvl ad bots operating, more at the start of the season/expansion. If I were using the default settings, chat would scroll by so quick it would be useless. Friggin cheaters…

Anyway, I get having a seperate tab for Blitz. I just keep my chat tab mostly RP and swap /i on and off when needed. It works for me and has for years.

I also understand completely locking out chat for a some peace. Seems everyone finds a way to chill and enjoy the game. Awesome.

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Not just healers i do this as dps too
most of the time its obvious who your partner is killing and i don’t care to read people dogpiling each other in a 20 year old game

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