Hello, maybe someone who has already used the G600 can help me.
I have this mouse for a few years, it has a recurring but intermittent problem.
I configure the buttons G9 to G20 with the binds Alt + 1 to Alt + 0. I configured these buttons to have the binds Ctrl + 1 to Ctrl + 0 when the G-Shift is pressed.
The problem is, sometimes when I’m playing WoW, suddenly my binds get messy, the G9 button for example, which is Alt + 1, triggers the bind that would be number 1 on the keyboard. It gets so messy that pressing Esc on the keyboard has the same effect as pressing the windows key (opens the start menu). It happened to return to normal after pressing some random buttons on the mouse, but usually the problem only stops when I remove the mouse from the USB and put it back on.
I was never able to identify exactly what initiates this, but it seems to me that it has to do with the use of G-Shift, most of the time it happened when using G-Shift, and I have the impression that it happens when using G-Shift + G12 , because it is a bind that I use frequently with Hunter and Druid (I use these binds with G-Shift for the pet skills bar and druid form), so much that I switched from G12 to G11 to try to avoid it.
Has anyone had this kind of problem with the G600? Could it be a physical problem with my mouse or is it more likely to be a driver problem? My settings are saved directly in the internal memory, I usually do not have the Logitech software installed, because the two mice I have configured and saved the config in the internal memory. But the problem has already happened with the installed software as well.
I appreciate any help.