<G2B> AOTC | Casual Raiding

Raid Times/Days:

  • :date: Tuesdays & Wednesdays
  • :alarm_clock: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm PDT (9:30 pm - 12:00 am EDT)

Recruiting: :fire: DPS :fire:

We’re particularly interested in:

  • :fire: Mage
  • :smiling_imp: Demon Hunter
  • :herb: Balance Druid
  • :man_mage: Warlock

However, all solid and reliable DPS are welcome to apply!

Recruitment Contacts:

  • :speech_balloon: Discord (best way to get in contact)
    • @Mirring#1858
    • @Viri#3490
  • :video_game: Battle.net
    • Mirring#1131
    • Helms#1526

:scroll: About Us:

  • We are a well-established, semi-casual guild, proudly pursuing Ahead of the Curve (AOTC) achievements every tier, and aspiring to venture into Mythic content.
  • Our roots in raiding trace back to the Burning Crusade, and we’ve grown into a close-knit community of like-minded players.

:mag: What We’re Looking For:

  • Positive attitudes are our cornerstone; we value camaraderie and friendships within the guild.
  • We seek dedicated players who can handle encounters with skill and adapt quickly.
  • We understand that everyone makes mistakes, but someone who consistently stands in fire is not our ideal candidate.

:star2: What We Offer:

  • A stable and reliable raid group that values your time.
  • Feasts, vantus runes, and consumables to aid your performance.
  • Achieving AOTC usually within 10 weeks into a tier.
  • A significant portion of our raid team actively runs Mythic+ keys, achieving Keystone Master (KSM) as a shared goal.

Hello I’m currently looking for a group to raid with. I didn’t play at all during 10.1 but I was AOTC in 10.0. I prefer melee dps, Warrior was my main in Vault. But I’m pretty flexible and I can probably play most dps specs with a little practice.

Shoot me a friend invite in game and we will have a chat Helms#1526.