Fyr'alath questline

So I finally got my legendary on my paladin alt, I already heard bad stuff about the quest to ‘‘awaken’’ it, but my lord, why is every step in this quest designed to be as boring/clunky/monotonous as possible… The rare tether is especially bad, I can legit fly around the map for 1 hour and not find any rares so I’m mostly just waiting for the frenzy event to get a few of the items. The superblooms are a snorefest, I legit can’t fathom how anybody would enjoy these, being forced into this content makes me hate the game honestly.

Then to top it all off at the end you have to tether raid bosses before anyone pulls, but guess what? It only takes 1 special person in the raid to ruin the quest. I really hope this is the last time we see a legendary questline like this, the legendary isn’t even really made for casuals. Good luck getting this from lfr or normal. Mythic raiders and M+'ers are being forced to do repetitive casual content for hours in order to get an item they’re probably initially pretty excited about.