Fyr'alath + Nasz'uro - The Major Issues

Holy god you’re dumb

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Ok, I just simmed my character, and it’s a 5.9% increase, which is adding nearly 13k to my character. Obviously sims are not the game, but are you just looking at the proc? You know the legendary is higher item level than any other weapon, which means higher damage from weapon damage, strength, and secondaries?

Right. But if we assume all things equal minus the legendary, the increased melee damage and stats over a 5 ilvl upgrade on a weapon is so miniscule. I mean your Gorehowl has 3 more secondary stats compared to the Legendary.

Imagine the amount of damage it would account for if i got it on my 435 warrior lol

Imo it should be way more rare. Like so rare that only a few people have it from mythic and even less from otger difficulties.

You’re wasting all of this energy to argue over the numbers I chose to use when the bottom line is that it is significant and substantial and you’re proving my point. I’m not sure what argument you think you’re winning and with whom? I just played in a key with a warrior for whom 9% of their overall damage came from the on use and DoT effect of the weapon. Your claim was you don’t buy it because I used relatively arbitrary numbers, like big deal. It’s a substantial dps gain. Sorry to have wasted your time but not scientifically measuring out the increase in all scenarios.

Lost sight of your OP already eh?

Its really not. Yes the numbers it adds is nice, no doubt. But if you actually look at the logs and break it down and take the Legendary out of the equation, its not the actual game changer people make it out to be. Its not making or breaking specs

If you take the lego away from the top.parse on M Fyrakk, hes still top 40. Still very high orange parses and running with the other top contenders who still have the legendary.

Youre not going to go from 50% parses to 75% parses due to the legendary. Youre not going from bottom third of the dps rankings to top 5 suddenly with the legendary.

Maybe 25 Heroic greater embers OP.

i got the axe last week on my 6th normal kill and it is a huge dps boost. going by the before and after sims it was a 25k dps increase. this is my alt warrior and i’m not running any high mythics on this guy yet and the axe is usually in my top 3 damaging abilities. all i can say to those still trying for it is to farm up some of the mats in the meantime. i play on a new players server and they only cost me around 150k gold. i hear on some servers its closer to 1m.

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Honestly, I wish they’d give us back artifact weapons and just redo them every expansion. Legendaries I have hated since I started 15 years ago and seeing someone with them because of pure RNG is just a disappointing feeling.


I feel like this should have been easily foreseeable. Really hope this comes up at review time around the office.


it’s not based on luck.

there’s a long quest chain behind looting the item. it’s an expensive and difficult item to get.

also, if you want high drop chance, kill it in mythic. it wasn’t meant to be a heroic item. since when does heroic drop 396?

It should be available to ALL difficulties, regardless of level.
It feels very bad when I have killed H fyrakk on my dk, and killed N fyrakk every single week since release excluding week 1, and I get nothing. Yet I just did a key with a DK who has never played the game before, has ONE kill in Heroic and its a fyrakk kill, with the leggo while they keyboard turn and backpedal then say BDK is squishy.
It is not expensive, it’s 150k. that’s less than a token.
Also - no I am not saying “bad” players should not get it. But it is rather infurating when a hardcore raider just has crap RNG, yet someone can just buy a boost and randomly get it. This tier has made me quit playing my dk and my warrior. I am fed up with HUR HUR I GOT LEGGO U DON’T.

It is literally a drop chance. Thus RNG. Always the rets…


I remember being sad that the emerald dream themed patch didn’t give druids a lego.

I no longer feel sad. lol.

I roll my eyes at the people crying how legendary is equal to low rando chance. As if this sad echo of the good old vanilla days through wrath Lego makes it mean more?

It should be a gathering quest where you get rewarded with more gathering items per raid difficulty you do.

Everyone who wants to work on it can eventually achieve it. Those that push harder progress will get it faster.


You bought an H Fyrakk kill

Youve only got 5 normal Fyrakk kills with the first being week 7

Hes got achievements from 2011 through 2018

Hes got 3 heroic fyrakk kills, 3 Normal, 1 LFR which if we go by the guidelines set out by Blizzard, makes him have better odda at getting it than you

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when does mythic drop 396?

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Me thinks you’re a forum troll. Your facts are correct, your analytics are incorrect. The mere ilvl difference for a warrior in itself has a big impact on ability damage.

Sorry- being part of the last 40% of warrior mains to get the weapon with H Fyrakk kills since the first week (literally world 132 H Fyrakk) of raid is a little troll Blizzard. Probably not the way to go if you care to retain a player base. If I don’t get it in the next few weeks it may not even be worth the effort to make. This season of M+ is already dead for my warrior.


Theyre giving upgrade tokens for next season. Should still be BiS season


stop making these rare its not fun if legos have to be rare dont make them

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I disagree, having to farm mats and doing boring chain quests… is not fun… I’d rather just have it the way it was back in days like Killing illidan getting the Glavies, or killing KJ and getting the Bow… simple as it is… but make it super rare… those were the days.

Or atleast The Ulduar Mace idea was okiesh I guess…But the firelands leggo and this one is boring.

I definitely prefer legendries to be some longer, more deterministic questline, than completely relying on RNG to get. As an Evoker who still hasn’t gotten mine yet, my heart goes out to everyone rolling the dice to grab the axe.

Not only as a power gain for whatever classes that can use it, but as a Dracthyr I was honestly just interested in experiencing the questline to make it while it was still somewhat relevant in the current expansion (without just having to youtube it or something).

I understand that legendary weapons are supposed to be rare (ignoring legion artifacts for a second) but If you’re going to limit the classes/specs that can even use it, then give me a long epic quest chain that I can pick up after I clear the requirements, rather than leaving me hoping I can even start the quest chain.

Send me back to old zones, make me re-clear the raid, make me craft certain parts, but at least guarantee that if I’m actively playing the season, I can at least work towards it without hoping the thing to even start the quest chain drops. It would give me more reasons to farm content as well if I knew that once I finish xyz, I’ll have it, adding another goal for that season.