Fyr'alath + Nasz'uro - The Major Issues

I literally bought a Legendary item with Anima back in SL. Legendary does not mean rare. It means meaningful to the lore. L move from Blizzard making this luck based when they could have made it a guaranteed drop from a quest chain.

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So it isn’t difficulty specific then. Make up your mind.

They mean that the BLP at the highest difficulty folds into the lower difficulties. If you do Heroic first, it counts the same as having done it on all three. This removes the need to waste your time clearing it on all three difficulties.




And here I thought quoting Blizzard would be enough. Turns out it is not.

So the only way that works is if it’s programmed EXACTLY as I initially suggested:
You kill heroic Fyrakk and it rolls 3 dice
LFR%(+embers from lfr%) didnt drop? roll next
NORMAL%(+embers from normal%) didnt drop? roll next
HEROIC%(+embers from heroic%) nothing or axe.

And that would do exactly as you describe.

Which means the best thing you can do is LFR for an ember then Normal for an ember then heroic last.

It may only be a tiny advantage (whatever the ember % chance is) but it IS an advantage because if you kill on heroic it just counted LFR and Normal with 1 less Ember of bad luck protection.

Unless you want to argue the formula automatically grants an LFR ember AND a normal ember before calculating, and then still gives you a greater ember from the heroic kill. Blizzard isn’t that generous.

Exaltys nailed it with his question in the community forum and Blizzard havn’t answered him for 11 days. Even Blizzard don’t know.

Or it adds them together into one big roll and if you don’t get it, it increases the chances for each number that was part of that big roll. Which I imagine is how it is done since that is how a cdf would work.

This is how I initially assumed it would work until people said it’s difficulty specific. I was assuming all greater embers are say 5% and all lesser embers are 1% for example. And in that situation there would be a single total number increasing until it reaches 100% and then you definitely get the axe next kill. Much more intuitive.

In which case you would still do LFR > Normal > heroic for 3 seperate rolls each with your bonus.

Let’s assume LFR drop rate is 0.1% normal is 0.5% and heroic is 1% and assuming the numbers above lets pretend we have 15 greater 5 lesser embers starting the week.

We would be at 80% bonus drop chance added to the base drop chance.

Do LFR, 80.1% chance and gain a bonus ember.
Do Normal, 85.5% drop chance now with that extra ember, and get another ember.
Do Heroic, 91% drop chance now with that extra ember.

If we just did Heroic it would be 81.6% chance in a single roll (all 3 base drop chances added to the 80% cumulative bonus we saved up).
Or would it be 80.1+80.5+81 / 3?
Or would it roll all 3 with the 80% bonus for a 99.26% chance you get the axe?
Make sense?

yeah im sorry but low drop chance doesnt make something hard to get. You arent special because you won the lottery. You talk like you earned the legendary because it dropped for you lmao. If you wanna actually earn the Legendary and for it to be an item that not everyone has then it should drop only on Mythic difficulty. You didnt earn the legendary because you killed LFR Fyrakk and got lucky. RNG like this is lazy scummy game design to keep you subbed.


Well it didn’t keep me subbed, I literally cancelled my 12 month recurring sub today and in the reason text box told them it’s because of how sh!t it feels to farm this every week for 3 months while noobs randomly get it on alts. That’s $227 they won’t get because they won’t make this Fyrakk legendary a fair, deterministic, transparent process. Just a bunch of Trust Me Bro tokens supposedly eventually adding up to guarenteed drop. Well 19 fyrakk kills later still no axe so no i dont trust the sh!tty Trust Me Bro embers.


It feels as game is spitting in your face tho, i want to get the legendary and i would be glad if there was 2-3 month quest chain to get it, this what we have now is absolute trsh system that is just sub number fuel, 1 more week left until sub runs out and i can’t say i have ever been more happy for it, finally to stop having a chore of doing LFR,NM,HC every reset just to see randos with 3-5 or sometimes less kills get leggo.


I mean…respectfully your opinion is entirely irrelevant. Go look at fury warrior parses on M Fyrakk, 5% of their damage and about 14k dps attributed to the axe. Internet trollls are such a waste of time.

I wish other legendaries had Bad luck protection like the axe. Would have been nice knowing that I had even the slightest better chance the following weeks to see it.

Warglaives never had it
Niether bow has had it
Special drops (looking at you thunderfury) never had it

Quest oriented legendaries took guilds funneling one person reasources and boss kills for them to get it, leaving the rest of the raid with 0 chances of seeing one.

Blizz makes bad luck protection and now people quit after not seeing it.


Yeah legendaries should be a guaranteed drop on Mythic, but only drop from Mythic and no other difficulty. Blizz can just make the legendary scale down and disable its special effects in a M+ dungeon so that the M+ community won’t cry about having to clear Mythic


Well sure. For that one log on that one fight. But the numbers still dont add up. 5% and 10k dps is only 200k dps. Which again, isnt reflected in the logs lol. You need to break 5% overall and maintain 200k to have the numbers add up

And before you retort with "i said “AT LEAST”, yeah i could say its AT LEAST 1% and 2k dps increase.

But if we look at top Volc parses, we see the the lego doing 3.9%

At 265k dps it should (according to you) be doing 13.25k dps. Instead it barely broke 10k. It should have done 2.8m overall damage but it didnt even reach 2.2m

Essentially the legendary from this parse is falling 20% short of what you claim its doing

Holy god you’re dumb

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Ok, I just simmed my character, and it’s a 5.9% increase, which is adding nearly 13k to my character. Obviously sims are not the game, but are you just looking at the proc? You know the legendary is higher item level than any other weapon, which means higher damage from weapon damage, strength, and secondaries?

Right. But if we assume all things equal minus the legendary, the increased melee damage and stats over a 5 ilvl upgrade on a weapon is so miniscule. I mean your Gorehowl has 3 more secondary stats compared to the Legendary.

Imagine the amount of damage it would account for if i got it on my 435 warrior lol

Imo it should be way more rare. Like so rare that only a few people have it from mythic and even less from otger difficulties.

You’re wasting all of this energy to argue over the numbers I chose to use when the bottom line is that it is significant and substantial and you’re proving my point. I’m not sure what argument you think you’re winning and with whom? I just played in a key with a warrior for whom 9% of their overall damage came from the on use and DoT effect of the weapon. Your claim was you don’t buy it because I used relatively arbitrary numbers, like big deal. It’s a substantial dps gain. Sorry to have wasted your time but not scientifically measuring out the increase in all scenarios.