Fyrakk's arms


lol i immediately heard the nasally chuckling


Land Before Time Signatures


He skips arm day.
He also skips leg day.

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He doesn’t need either of these things with shadowflame at his disposal.


This is true!

Might as well ask what T-rex used his arms for.

I would suggest a similar evolution. Whereas T-rex traded arm size for head size and unrivaled jaw power/bite force, so Fyrakk traded arm size for wing size and flight power.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


My man’s shadowflame cycle is wild. He’s prepping for the Mr. Azeroth competition in Dalaran this year.

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If we think about it, most creatures on earth are weird especially from a universe pov. :cloud_with_rain:


Flailing about whenever he makes verbal points.

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I read a long time ago that a lot of artistic liberties were taken in reconstructing the fossils of dinosaurs because so many were incomplete or broken up so they did the best they could with what they had and then held exhibits and the way they’re constructed just kind of stuck in people’s minds as to that’s how it was and since then its become resistant to change.

But they may not have had small arms. Idk. I don’t really get into that field of study but with how human nature/behaviour is, I found that paper very believable.

Why do you think he’s so angry

Sometimes I wonder about that with our models of the whole universe.

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Scientist speculate a Trexes arms servered a social purpose.

So they’re there to wave at you.

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T-rex 1: roars in a friendly manner

T-rex 2: wiggles arms aggressively

So lemmie get this straight…

1.) We can drop a meteor-like fireball from the sky (including indoors) on top of a fire elemental and somehow do boat loads of damage…

2.) We can kill a dragon equivalent to the Chrysler Building wearing nothing but a skirt, pumpkin head, and dual wielding floppy fish and some how kill it.

3.) A Gnome the same weight as an obese chihuahua can not only wield a sword as long as Texas, but swing it around acrobatically as if it were made of balsa wood and wet cardboard.

4.) Pandaren, in half-inch thick plate mail with the same density as a neutron star and with the legs of a Pembroke Corgi, can somehow outrun a runner’s body night elf in full leather.

And the one thing…THE ONE THING …that sets you off are the tiny arms of a proto-drake?

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I like to imagine him playing a ukulele with them.