FYI The 49 bg Bracket is on fire these days

And the 49 is more evenly distributed?

That’s what my twink friends tell me. I’m sure there’s still more horde twinks because there’s more horde players across the board. That’s the price you pay for faster queues as alliance. A constant uphill battle. Although I can’t imagine any bracket worse than 39. Not even 29 alliance is that bad.

Either way it’s still better for my alliance dagger rogue. The BIS 39 MH dagger is a horde only quest. The 49 bis MH dagger is a boe.

Yeah that’s a good point, and as alliance you are very much forced to play daggers now this time around because stun resistance rng is hyper active. So much for playing the best builds because lol orc resists.

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I had a lot of fun in the 49 bracket, when leveling through there a few weeks ago. I know I did a number of ABs, as it was AB weekend, with Tinydots who posted above.

If I were to hold a character at a lower level for PVP, I would do it at the 49 level.

Are there any servers that I should play on that have good low level bg communities specifically, or can I just go wherever since it’s cross-realm bgs? The plan is Bloodsail Buccaneers so far.

I enjoy it with my brother Slug. 49’s is great.

I can go ahead and tell you that there’s literally no 49 activity on Bloodsail Buccaneers besides myself. Not sure about the other brackets, but it’s not a server super into PVP. If you are looking for PVP guilds or premades I would look elsewhere.

But 49s have been amazing. Seeing lots of familiar faces here, as well.

The 3 biggest 49 ally servers are heartseeker, whitemane and grobbulus, if you were thinking about transferring.

From my experience, each brackets is funnier than the previous one, except for bracket 60 which is a total disaster. For many reasons :

  1. Higher the bracket, lesser the chance to get a toxic and lazy premade;
  2. More abilities and talents you can get;
  3. All classes get more equal in higher brackets;
  4. Twinking has less impact (+22 agi on a 50 weapon is way less powerful than on a weapon level 20);
  5. At 40 you stop running and can get a mount which makes pvp more enjoyable in my opinion;

Bracket 49 was pretty fun this week except last night. A lazy premade from Whitemane (9 on 10) was destroying pugs. Really ? I mean if you want to absolutely premade and “be with your friend” argument, why don’t you go 60 ? It’s not like it’s very hard to level 11 levels. Obviously they don’t want challenge, just to crush pugs.

I personally enjoy bracket 39 and 49 (I’m not even a twink). My favorite is 59. See you in bgs.

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I hit exalted in WSG Sunday and decided to level up my twink into the 40’s bracket. Good to hear that its fairly balanced. In the 30’s bracket I’d say Horde probably won 70+% of the time and it was usually 3+ ally twinks vs 7+ horde side. It would really help if more ally would gear up for BGs.

I just wish more people that qued would do it at X6+ rather than having half your team full of lowbies.

Yea horde still win slightly more BG’s at 49 , but its no where near anything like 39’s . I think it will always be part of the culture that alliance will lose more Bg’s in every bracket including 60.

Another interesting thing i did, i was bored and compared total stat disparities between level 49(of the greens) and dungeon blues or boe blues, for cloth wearers and i think mail wearers . Its pretty damn close, or at least its not the insane difference like in the lower brackets.

1 item in particular that made me laugh is Chan’s Imperial Robe’s sell on most servers for 250-400gold . Well it has i think 11 armor , 10 spirit and 5 nature resist more than RFD’s Robes of the Lich , which by the time you are 49 you could have easily farmed out. Or Abjurer’s Robe of the Eagle which can be 15stam 15int . I know this is a cherry picked example, but there are lots of examples like this with 49 gear.

This is a thread I started talking a bit more in detail of the pros of the 49 bracket. You are able to get rank 9 at 49 which gets you battle standard! Any other questions just hit me up.

It may be lifted now. Try it again and hit us up in discord to let me know if it works.

I’m already in the guild. Got 28 warlock, Desow, so far. Plan for more later but vanilla leveling is a drag.

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Perfect! I was still a bit unsure if the xfer ban had been lifted. Good to know and glad to have ya.