Even though I grinded them all out, this is a great change.
Maybe now more will play Alliance even if just for Lightforged and Void Elves.
Still need to do the quest chain to get thwir extra mount. Like the flying Nightborne mount or going to Mechagon to grind out the Mechagnome mounts there
Still waiting on my second Worgen race.
Rabble rabble how DARE Blizzard remove requirements for past expansions of content that is nowhere encouraged or told to freshies and returning freshies to a game to unlock a model/skin. I EARNED the right to play as these races by my toil in the actual expansions and should have EXCLUSIVE rights to these races because FOMO forever!!!
This is THE slappiest of SLAPS to have ever slapped upon my face in the history of slapkind and I am REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEING with the hardest of REEEEEEEEES until I speak with the highest of managers.
Or grats folks. Sucks for those of you who only recently finished the stupid grinds to unlock them but for all of human society, we’ve built and improved upon what those that came before us did/built.
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I want a refund of something.
The best they can do is Ion stepping all over your accomplishments.
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I agree, and I demand a refund.
I hope the allied race tabards are avaiable for other races such as the gnomes deserve the Mechagon Tabard with several gnomes already residing in Mechgon including King Mekkatorque.
edit: I think Moira has taken over Ironforge and a new tabard is coming uniting the dwarves and dark irons.
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Yo, what? None of what you said makes any sense. I’m literally trying to laugh but, all I can do is be more confused with a mix anger.
I too also grinded them out. I also grinded out pathfinder in each expansion (wod was the worse because i grinded it during the end of legion).
I applaud these changes. Long over due.
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I hope this will encourage more players to make an alt or so. As they now can play all the other races.
while i did the whole allied race chore i am happy that new players dont have to do this
and free riding/flying to boot also
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The free flying may get me to actually make an adult on Moonguard or Wymcrest Accord just for the RP environment.
It feels strange to do this without modifying or improving the starting zone and quest experiences for those allied races.
If you create a Nightborne, you’re automatically locked out of doing the Suramar campaign.
The reality is this: making the allied race pre-requisite questlines, which provide context and backstory to an allied race , completely optional ensures that players most likely won’t go back to do it.
Yeah… I hate that they don’t just finish for you. Like, the Nightborne join AFTER Legion events… Yet the game acts like you never did Legion events at all despite that.
I remember the days when you saw a Kul Tiran out in bfa you knew he was hardcore
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