Long post but will try to make everything easy to read and skim through.
General PvP Feedback:
-PvP is feeling really ignored. I know we got solo shuffle in dragonflight and Blitz in TWW, but it feels like when we get these new additions to PvP they get added and then ignored.
Example: Solo Shuffle has had the same issues since DF s1 regarding healer mmr/cr. If you get randomly placed against a lower MMR healer, you can lose mmr/cr for going 3-3 or gain nothing at all for going 5-1 or 4-2 which feels awful. Its worse for healers since their mmr is compared against each other (1v1) as opposed to dps (1v3 for each dps so it equals out more)
Example: Many complaints about the Glad mount being very unexciting and unappealing all throughout beta and now s1. Nothing is changed for s2. Same for the quality of enchants we have gotten overall, only 1 of them (Shadowflame) in recent years compares to the quality of older ones like Tyranny or Primal Victory. It would be nice for these to be appealing even if they are from 1950, it should still be hype to unlock a rating based reward.
-MMR feels outdated+inconsistency every single expansion/season. Going from the high inflation of Shadowlands s1-3 to the high inflation of DF s1, into the deflation of DF s2 and 3 into the high inflation of DF s4 and then deflation of everything but blitz in TWW s1 is just a wild ride. It would be nice to get some form of change to mmr or the rating system to make this more consistent, possibly less dependent on participation.
Example:The way MMR currently works makes it so people are less inclined to play at the start of the season because eventually inflation will allow you to get the rewards later, so people just wait, and that feels like a pretty big flaw in this system. Beginning of the season should not feel slow, there should be decent progression throughout the season.
-Tuning is still lacking: Tuning is better than it has been in the past regarding how often it is being done, but it is still slightly too infrequent. For the first month or so of a big patch, we should see bi-weekly tuning to ensure stability and ensure that if something is way too strong it gets fixed quickly rather than in a week.
Example: Right now we have BM hunters and Fury warriors that could use some slight adjustments, but we have not seen any tuning in weeks and likely won’t until the next patch comes out. It does not make sense to abandon tuning when there is still 1-2 months left of a patch, people are still playing and balance still matters. This happened in Dragonflight too.
-PvP information in the base UI/game is lacking heavily:
Example: PvP modifiers are really difficult to deal with as training dummies can be buggy. It would be nice to have a way to permanently see PvP modifiers on talents and abilities ie if you put on warmode or go to a designated PvP area in the main city.
Example: There is still no default DR tracker in the game despite being an integral part of PvP. This should have been added with the updated PvP enemy arena frames but was not. This is information people need to get from the game itself.
Example: PvP rewards could use a better layout so you can visually see what the rewards are before earning any rating. Right now its impossible to know there is even an enchant at 1950 because it doesn’t display anywhere until you hit 1800. It would be nice to just have a clean layout where we can view rewards.
Thats all I’m going to put here for now. I see a lot of people, long time players inlcuded, saying they are really demotivated to PvP in this expansion. We have new blood coming in from classic hardcore, even some bigger streamers that are intending to PvP, and while I know the pvp playerbase is smaller than PvE, it is still a pretty large amount of people in general and should not be neglected. Hope to see a small dev team put in charge of PvP, not just one or two people in their off time, so that PvP can get the updates it needs which are usually not extremely major but may require consistency. WoW PvP is still one of the most unique game modes I’ve ever played in any game, it deserves more love than its getting.