Future Lock LF GUILD

Decided I’m going lock for S1 of TWW, the only problem is I’m coming back after DF S3 so I’m not really in a guild. I’m not a top % player, but I’m ok at the game. I cleared normal for all 3 week 1 of them dropping, and got AoTC for all 3. Didn’t do much M raiding but it’s possible if it remains exciting I’ll be down. I would pref the guild do OTHER stuff rather than strictly raid since I’d love some PvP partners. I’m EST and can raid any day, but would pref to be OVER on the weekdays by 11PM. Sorry but I need sleep before work :joy::skull: Lmk down below if ya got room, I won’t Xfer right away, but if the shoe fits, bet. Also leave disc name in reply :pray:

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Hey Hewhofrogs! (and future lock!),

We too are ok at the game! Though, many of us do not PvP, so likely that won’t be the best fit :frowning: However in addition to raiding we also support a Mythic+ team and do a lot of open world stuff and legacy stuff.

Anywho - We’re the League of Danger Noodles! >.< See our recruitment post for more information → [H & A][Moon Guard] <League of Danger Noodles> LFM Raiding and M+ Guild

This is a cross-faction and cross-realm friendly guild. So no need to xfer at all! While we’re based on Moon Guard, we’re not an RP guild. We are a PvE focused guild.

Current TWW Raid Times:

Main Raid:
Fridays @ 8:30pm EST for 2 hours
Mondays @ 8:30pm EST for ~ 1 hour

Saturday Morning BONUS Raid:
Saturday Morning around 8:30am EST (alt raid, not main progress raid. Totally optional.)

If you’re interested, feel free to reach me on disc: blunderhound

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<Tavern’s End>

Our Ethos: We invest in our members and expect the same commitment in return. We’re a tight-knit group who love playing together. We’ll help you gear up and conquer mythics, but we expect you to pay it forward. We’re not interested in players who just show up for loot once or twice a week. There are no cliques here, everyone plays with everyone.

Raid Schedule: We raid on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7:30 PM EST. We’re currently seeking DPS and healers to fill our core slots as we push into heroic and prepare for Mythic when TWW drops. Our raid lead boasts experience of being a top 50 mythic raid lead in previous expansions.

Join Us: Interested? Contact us to see if we’re a good fit!
BNET: DarthHyst#1617

If you have any questions, hop into our Discord and reach out to a JuniorBarkeep or SeniorBarkeep. We look forward to welcoming you into our growing community!

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Hi Gamers - Pretty Not Bad is on the look out and in need of a few more raiders/players for our mythic raid roster & m+ community in The War Within. We raid Wed/Thurs 9-12pm EST and look to make the most of our time. (We currently host Heroic Raid pugs during our raid times weekly - feel free to add me, bnet is below and test us out)

We have a solid core that has raided together for the entire expansion of Dragonflight, and we intend to do the same in TWW. In S4 we hit our expec best of 6/9M Progression. Our primary goal is to raid with a purpose, enjoy ourselves when playing and clear Mythic content alongside high level M+ keys.

We are an 18+ Only Guild, which is mainly comprised of working adults (20-35). We are focused on a few key aspects that form our guild culture that we look for in raiders (listed below). Please note… all are welcome, you can be in PNB and not raid etc.

General Raid Culture Fits

  • You enjoy raiding and progression raiding.
  • You enjoy playing World of Warcraft and log on outside of raid hours when possible to run m+, pvp, or hang out.
  • You enjoy having a good laugh, and have a good sense of humor.
  • You want to play your class at a high level, and take time to learn! (We do not expect people to be pro gamers… just not robots)

What you can expect from Pretty Not Bad and our leadership:

  • Active leaders whom recruit for gaps, plan for raids and engage with the community.
  • Focus on progression, and aways looking out for the greater good of the entire group, not just 1 individual.
  • Organized events, and structure within Discord and in-game.

What we expect from our raiders (not community members)

  • Good raid attendance & focus when raiding.
  • A good attitude, open to constructive feedback. (from raid leads, not randoms)
  • Ability to average quality game-play within your role during progression.
  • Minimal raid logging
  • Willingness to improve and learn about your class

Now on the to the good stuff, what do we need? and what does the application process look like:

Raid Openings:

  • 1 Tank of Any Class
  • 1 Healer of Any Class
  • DPS (Do not need all and open to anyone, but really interested in the following)
    • Hunter, Deathknight, Demon Hunter, Boomkin, Ele Sham, Warlocks, Spriests

How to apply?

  1. Reply to this forum post or add Sheesman#1865 to Battle.net to hit me up.
  2. Join our Discord, and fill out a short application via a chat bot
  3. Wait for leadership to review, and approve.
  4. Trial - and kill internet bad guys and collect purple pixels

Do not hesitate to reach out just for questions / to learn more as well.

See you in TWW,
Pretty Not Bad Officers

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested, I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!!

Good Morning Hewhofrogs,

I am the leader of The Killer Bunnies, an AOTC and M+ focused guild. I would like to talk to you more about what you are looking for and to see if the Bunnies is right for you. We have some videos on YouTube at @anaranae_TKB and twitch at anaranae. My discord is Anaranae

We raid Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:15 pm est to 10:30 and offer 2 guaranteed M+ nights on Monday and Fridays.

With cross server and faction invitations you don’t even need to move servers anymore, and we are open to both.

Please reach out if you would like more information and to chat.

Have a great day!

Hi! Im going to leave my guild information here, if its something you think would work out for you I would love to get in touch! We also have several people who PvP and hope to add a PvP night in the future!

Raid nights- Weds/Thurs/Monday * 8PM - 11PM EST
< I I I > Is currently recruiting for TWW. Our goal for Empire is to build a community of players who are looking for something different. We want to go back to how guilds used to be. We want to make friends, kill bosses, and have fun doing it. We are ready to have fun guild-wide events on nights we aren’t raiding, doing M+ or PVP again. However, this is not a casual raiding guild. Our raid environment is one where we respect each other. We work together as team to be better and you will be expected to do the best that you can. Our goals for TWW are to get AoTC and into Mythic with Cutting Edge in mind. This means that we expect to advance to AoTC fairly quickly, and move on to Mythic difficulty. We will hit mythic hard and get as far as we can.

Our leadership is currently 6/8M Vault, 7/9M Abberus, 6/9M Amir in current seasons and in awakened season. Raid nights are Weds/Thurs/Monday * 8PM - 11PM EST. Monday will be mandatory and used during progression (the first month or two). Afterwards it will be an optional heroic/alt clear.

Healer - We need two healers, a Holy Paladin, Priest, Monk, or Evoker
DPS - Any dps considered, though we are full on DK
Specific class needs- Aug Evoker, Havoc DH, Warlock

Recruitment Contacts-
Discord- bubbli. , haytred
Btag- Tellu#11210, Haytred#1922

Hey hew,

If you are still looking I’d love to chat as my guild is still looking for a few more for war within. Would love to chat about a spot. Will leave my info and spam below and hope to hear back soon.

Disc- doctersauce
Bnet -Doctersauce#1397

Check us out! Newly formed guild of PvE and PvP players. One-Day raiding and M+/PvP. Could use a warlock for the raid :slight_smile: Discord usernames are in the post.

One-Day AOTC [Mon 7:00-9:30 EST] + PvP guild - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Hi Hewhofrogs,

We might be the right guild for you. our team 2 or 3 might be good for you

Clan Seppuku just celebrated 18 years last May and are looking for more awesome people to join us for 11.0

We are a World 2st™(pronounced “toost”) inclusive Horde cross faction cross server AotC guild.

We do M+ for funzies, lotteries, raffles, Darts, hide n seek, TONK WARS, with much more room for activities. We are not a Mythic raid guild, been there done that, not worth the burn out.

Our 3 raid teams will be recruiting for 11.0 raiding beginning officially in September.

Raid schedule is as follows

Team 1 (Negative Douchebags)
Tues 8pm-10pm
Sun 8pm-10pm

Team 2 (Pet’s Pets)
Wed + Thurs 10pm-12am

Team 3 (The Revengers)
Fri + Sat 9pm-11pm

Tank spots are currently full on all 3 raid teams, plenty of room for M+ tanks

All raid times are EST

We are also looking for social members. It’s not all about raiding.

We do M+ every Monday to get any raid toon who needs a key completed for the week. Push groups will be forming on their own as logistics allow it

We are a ZERO drama guild. No Political or Religious discussions in public chats, it’s too divisive and we all know Garrosh was a chad, and Light Zealots are out of their minds.

Join our cross server community - “Clan Seppuku Cross Faction Dalaran” for additional info
Or apply directly in game on Dalaran-US(horde only at this time) put WoW forums in your application comment section.

Contact info
Wraist - GM -
btag Wraist#1129
Discord Wraist#5218

DMs in discord have the fastest response time


Hey Hewhofrogs, we are looking for a solid warlock. raids will be fri/sat 10-12est. we also have groups running for ksm every season and also a good amount of pvpers myself included. people will be looking to setup arena teams/world pvp/bgs. we have people ranging from 1700-2400 in arenas. my btag is adema#1487 if you would like to chat.

Greetings Hewhofrogs!!!

Left Unsupervised
Server: Thrall

About Us:

  • We are Left Unsupervised, a friendly and laid-back guild looking to get back into Mythic raiding. For the past two expansions we have been a primarily AOTC/Mythic+ guild with some dabbling in Mythic raiding but are now looking to take the next step into more consistent Mythic raiding in The War Within. We also run plenty of Mythic+ with a wide range of running keys for enjoyment and alts to pushing high level keys for IO.

Guild Focus

  • Quick AOTC clear into Mythic raiding with M+

Raid Schedule:

  • Tuesday and Wednesday 8:00-11:00 PM EST

What We’re Looking For:

  • Specifically looking for two DPS to fill out our raid team with a preference for Evoker, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, or Warrior. Due to current raid comp the only DPS classes we are not actively recruiting are Ret Pally, Mage, and DK.
  • Prior AOTC experience preferred but not required. Mythic experience a plus. Does not need to be experience from Dragonflight. The most important requirements are a willingness to learn and have fun.

How To Apply:
You can reach out to myself or the guild master at either of the below or leave a comment below.
Discord - jay_t19 or Beefy2002
Bnet - Judgment19#1128 or Beefy#11651

Why Join Left Unsupervised?

  • Community–Multiple guild members who became real life friends through the game. Friendly and welcoming to all. Most of us play non-World of Warcraft games with each other as well including: Diablo 4, Hearthstone, Call of Duty, Baldur’s Gate 3, and League of Legends.
  • Events–Raiding and M+ dungeons. Regardless of your skill level we have members who are happy to help you grow as a player. We’ll help you overcome that anxiety of doing content outside of your comfort zone.
  • Culture–Laid back, casually serious-ish. Semi-core raiding