Future Cata 10 Man Raid Group

Hey Atiesh, I am looking to either raid in a group or put together a group for some 10 man cata classic raiding. I have extensive experience raid leading, and specifically cleared all of heroic cata content when it was current content back in the day.

I am just trying to gauge interest in if there are any like minded individuals out there on Atiesh looking for something casual but serious, thinking of 1 or 2 raid days a week.

Appreciate the look! reply to this post if you have any interest and we can talk further.



I am looking for raiders like you to join me in killing the monsters of cataclysm. I am a raid leader with retail xp and over 10 years of private cata server experience on +30% difficulty and 50 level 85s.

I used to raid back in cata/panda and was looking to get into a group myself.