I’ve been trying out the new Slayer builds and it feels…weird.
No Odyn’s Fury, and also the talent that made it so that Odyn’s Fury also casts Avatar and vice versa is gone. IMO that can be kinda huge as that’s one extra root break that we don’t have. That came in handy quite often for fights like Queen Ansurek.
The current Slayer build also prefers Anger Management which is kind of messing with my brain as it means that Recklessness and Bladestorm are almost never synced anymore outside of the very first cast to start the encounter of course. I played around on the dummies and BS would come off CD around 20 seconds earlier than Recklessness, so it feels awkward to hold it for that long but also feels weird to just send it right away and not pair them as we used to.
Also getting used to the Crushing Blow/Bloodbath changes, now you only get them if you take Reckless Abandon and they are only available for use when you have Recklessness. It felt more intuitive to me as before you would just Rampage → CB → BB and then repeat since you only have one charge of each for every Rampage. Now you can literally spam CB/BB during Recklessness so there’s an extra layer of thought processing you have to do to determine which is the optimal one to use.
Overall it seems like the damage profile is more flat as opposed to before where we had a lot of burst upfront (especially with Odyn’s Fury). It just feels…different. I’m kind of thankful we have a week until S2 starts because I’ll need to play around with it quite a bit to get used to it.
Thane’s feeling really good to me right now, but I never had much interest in Slayer since I’m not a Bladestorm fan.
Simming at a 30% DPS increase over last week just from the patch changes, which put my warrior above my already comically OP Templar ret paladin by over 100k DPS on Tuesday, which of course has already increased with a couple 11.1 veteran pieces. The only thing that’s really changed up rotationally, as Denkou pointed out above, is how cooldowns are all no longer synced due to Anger Management, but as long as I make sure to pay attention then it’s fun popping Recklessness and Ravager about twice as often as before.
Apparently Blizz decided that I really need to play my goblin warrior in the new goblin zone with the new goblin raid.
The AM build has me doing like, 25% more ST dam than before for what it’s worth. The mini game within the rotation is to make the call on holding for that 20 sec or not. Do you have an add pack spawning soon? Do you have a trinket that’ll line up w/ either cd? Is Avatar going to be up soon enough to link with one or both?
Adds a level of “complexity” to what’s otherwise a still pretty straightforward rotation. I kinda like it
This hasn’t been a thing since they both normalised rage generation and fixed up strength providing more value to your ability damage so weapons importance was not as drastic between upgrades, while weapons are still your best source of damage increases comparing to other slots in terms of performance it is not as high as it once was ‘sCaLiNg’ wise.
The only factors right now for S2 is the difference between the ‘very rare’ tagged drops like Best in Slots, or Cantrip weapons such as Capital Punisher which will be relegated to people who full clear the M raid or whenever dinars come in to help with bad luck mitigation / provide everyone with these items they wouldn’t have the opportunity to get, even that comparing to a M track weapon will only end up being a ~1% increase for Arms and a ~1.5% for Fury.
On the topic of OP though, Fury aint struggling for squat this coming season, they’re in a good spot right now performance wise and utility changes will only come into play once they rework the class tree (which NEEDs one badly) by avoiding the insane amount of locked talent points we need to path into due to the overabundance of DPS nodes in the class tree which frankly need over half of them to be culled so there is free points to utilise as we see fit.
Fury feels bad. The talent tree feels like there’s no synergy. If I’m thane, do I focus on bloodthirst, or slayer more raging blow?..one side of the tree I can use onslaught but that don’t do crap for damage. Other side, Odyn’s Fury which is meh…use anger management now all my cds are desynced but the other talent sucks now. It’s just a mess.
Yes I’m aware that last section was a follow up to OP’s statement, the first section was advising that you’re no more gear dependant than any other spec though which hasn’t been a thing at all for ages, despite it being parroted that “wArRiOrS sCaLe WeLl LaTe InTo ThE xPaC” by some members of the community that others pickup through no fault of their own.
The only thing that scales well with warriors is the aura buffs it gets in the 2nd/3rd season after being nerfed in the 1st season every single xpac.
Yeah, anytime Warriors do well in PVP, people cry and they get nerfed and in the past those PVP nerfs messed up Warriors in PVE too. At least now they finally keep the PVP nerfs separate.