Fury Warrior

Why are you posting serious question

Why r u posting srs question, I just got off work bro, u finish pleasing urself to vods of u hitting dark sim buddy?

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I’m just wondering why you post at all? You have no idea how this game works

Hell I’m a better warrior than you and I just started playing it last season

Do you need some warrior tips? Cause I got you

Oh man

You two are trying to troll petkick but instead just making yourself look like morons. :man_facepalming:

Not my fault Im just a 1600 Andy, it’s the boosters not me

You sure do got a mouthful huh?

Ah true something we can agree on

Carry on

Ya buddy walk away

The man knows what’s up whereas your main is completely clueless

Hey yall can go at it all you want, the simping is weird though.

What simping? the only simping I see on these forums is you guys lol

It’s not simping, it’s brotherly love :hot_face:

I guess you haven’t looked down to see mud in your lap then.

R1s opinion versus 10 year long duelist ret pally’s opinion


Some next level cringe posts here. :popcorn:

So ready to farm as an ftier comp tonight bud

Oh man i leave the shower and you guys r still coping with dark sim being an art form huh

8700 posts and counting

Great thread guys, I enjoy petkick and brams banter. Was weird when Mud came in with a mouthful though. Now back to work I go.

Just someone who’s seen my art in person

It’s a sight to behold :eyes: