Fury warrior unwanted charge effect

So we’re raiding and doing the Sludgefist fight, and all of a sudden I charge at the boss while tethered to another player and we die. Then it happens again, but this time I’ve made sure charge and heroic leap are both removed from hotkey/action bar. Then it happens a third time, to another fury warrior, his charge and heroic leap are not on hotbar/actionbar, and we die again. I’ve noticed this happens a lot in the game, my warrior just charging at enemies for no reason while in combat. Is this a glitch? Is it a known issue? Is this happening to anyone else?

Edit: Please note, I have had this also happen on regular mobs and others, but non with the punishing effect of straight up death against this boss.

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It’s because you’re running Reckless Abandon. Among other things, it replaces Raging Blow with Crushing Blow for its duration. Take a gander at the first word of the tooltip.



Do people not even read their abilities? lol


To be fair, the Reckless Abandon tooltip just says “Greatly empowers Bloodthirst and Raging Blow”. If you didn’t follow the announcement of the talent changes and such, you might not know about it. The new abilities only show up in the spellbook in the short window Recklessness is active (12 to 15 seconds).

It’s still hilarious though. :rofl:


Thank you.
This has solved the issue.


For you to read the ablity you have to have your ability book open, on the ablity, while you hit recklessness…then it says crushing blow has a charge.


So do that? thats what i did it wasnt an issue. you act like its hard to pop burst and read your tooltips

It’s unfortunate the lowest simming talent on the row also has this draw back that further makes it unusable in PvE content.

i like frothing berserker in general but it did scare me a few times with that charge heh.

wouldnt mind if the empowered raging blow didnt charge at all

Sims highest for me.


There’s no way anything outsims AM for you if you’re using signet.

You appear to have forgotten to update your off-hand enchant btw.

I was wondering about this when I saw it, but never tried the talent with the changes. Honestly, the withheld information is stupid as hell on Blizzard’s part.

My armory is never right. I have DM for ST fights, which sims highest with RA.

EDIT - FOR ME, probably because I have a ton of Mastery and not a lot of haste, it also sims highest with the Rampage duration conduit instead of Ashen Juggernaut, so I’m definitely built around enrage.

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dumbest thing I’ve ever read


This is true indeed to some extent.

It seems that Blizzard just gave up trying to do decent tooltips, quest logs or any other info on this expansion.

I’ve lost count of how many world quests, for example, I saw where it just said “do this” and then you have no indication whatsoever of how to “do this”. It’s like their design philosophy nowadays is “yeah whatever, just go read the comments on wowhead, someone will have figured it out.”