Hello! I have some talent ideas to make things a little more interesting for Fury Warrior, giving more build variety.
Lvl 15:
No Changes
(Although I do think that War Machine should give movement speed in old raids and it might need a little buff, albeit it’s kind of a boring talent so I don’t particularly want it to be too much better than Sudden Death in single target.)
Lvl 25:
Make Storm Bolt baseline, but increase the CD to maybe 45 sec since it’s one of the best stuns in the game.
Replace the talent with Shockwave, the same one prot has, don’t give it a ton of dmg.
Lvl 30:
This is the biggest one for me. As you know if you play Fury, Venthyr is the best option, basically in every scenario, NF and Bastion can sometimes take the lead in burst AOE, but it’s way to situational.
My Suggestion?
Make Massacre a base part of the Venthyr covenant, and move Meat Cleaver to its spot, giving an option for prolonged AOE. (I think, will probably come down to sims tbh, but it would make the talent actually pickable).
Lvl 35:
No Changes
Lvl 40:
Change Seethe to Endless Rage (Each time Enraged is triggered, gain 6 rage) I think this will be nice to have another option for M+, I think it will combo well with Fresh Meat as well, giving another build option.
Buff Frothing Berserker’s proc chance to 30 or 40%.
Lvl 45:
Where Meat Cleaver was, bring back Legion’s Bloodbath (For 8 sec, your melee attacks and abilities cause the target to bleed for 40% additional damage over 6 sec). I personally didn’t play legion, but looking at the ability, I’d enjoy it. It’s an extra option if you don’t like Dragon’s Roar or Bladestorm as well.
Lvl 50:
Reckless Abandon Should also increase the duration of Recklessness by 4 seconds or so, making it to where you’re actually utilizing the damage buff from the buffed abilities.
These are my ideas on the changes I think should happen to Fury, I think it’d give more build variety. While I do think that it will make Venthyr a little more prominent than it already is, I think having Massacre as a talent is bad for the spec, it’s a crutch that’s unhealthy for the spec if you’re not Venthyr.
I would also like to suggest bringing back Furious Slash as a baseline ability, not a talent, it feels nice having a boost of haste and not pressing WW in single target when it does no dmg.
(I wrote this after Starting off as Venthyr, then switching to Bastion later on, I plan on switching back to Venthyr, I do know how it feels to play different covenants, and frankly, I really do wish we had the choice to switch at least our abilities whenever, but it’s Blizzard’s choice I guess.)
Oh yeah, one last thing, for PvP. Why did you take away our slow clear on Bloodthirst? We’re already the worst PvP spec in the game… Why nerf the ONLY thing Fury was good for outside of having mediocre burst?
I apparently uploaded this on my Rogue??? If you want to see my Warrior it’s:
Thedum-Emerald Dream