Fury Warrior PVP

I’m thinking about leveling a fury warrior. What’s the best covenant for fury pvp?

While Fury is fun, fast-paced and zany damage output – the spec cannot take care of itself in an arena format. Only having access to one defensive CD and mediocre mobility as a spec that heavily relies on uptime, it’s just not worth the hassle and headache that it will bring you.

-But to your point, I’d say you may have to go Necrolord to make up for its lacking defensive toolkit.

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Even if played with a resto shaman in 2s?

the best covenant is respeccing arms


i have played with a night fae fury at high mmr that absolutely slaps. you gotta be good at pre kiting though

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its like arms without d stance. If you’ve ever not taken d stance or tried playing matches full greed without swapping into it, you will legit die in seconds. Rets, rogue/mage, WW, and BM hunter in particular eat you ALIVE. Even as arms sometimes you can nearly die through parry/dstance vs. a ret so imagine how it feels to not have either as fury.

Beat every fury warrior team while doing glad wins just by training the fury. The one time it was actually annoying was when we faced fury/prot pal/rdruid.

Kyrian>NL>NF>Venthyr pretty sure

Why is venthyr so bad for fury? Isn’t it one of the best for arms?

Because execute hits harder and it has to compete with the other covenants

No, it fell off as soon as 9.1 hit and execute got buffed but condem didn’t. Arms I think it’s Kyrian>NL>NF=Venthyr

If you wanna play fury go for it. Don’t listen to other people’s opinions they can’t comprehend playing something that isn’t pure meta fotm because they’re too garbage to make mediocre things work. I’d say necro or night fae


tbf there’s playing non-fotm yet viable like playing frost mage over fire or playing uhdk over frost and then there’s playing anti-arena design specs like fury and mm

Unholy has piss utility and it’s damage rotation is built around burst aoe and a ST ability that is greyed out in arena so not sure what you mean. I’d say fury and unholy are in the same boat
Comparing to frost not standalone they way we’re comparing fury to arms

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I played against a Fury warrior around 2.3k mmr, and he was pumping. I believe he was Kyrian. I think Night Fae Fury would be sick though.

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Yeah it was probably Grimgrip he beat the crap out of me on my druid he absolutely pumped.

It wasn’t Grim/Bullybones, it was another guy. Can’t remember the name. But Grin is awesome.

I’m a venthyr fury til the die this game dies, even if it is the worst. If venthyr is literally removed, I will go NF. Otherwise, screw spear. hate that ability

Stop listening to bad players giving you bad advice. You can make ANYTHING work up to high rating as long as you’re good at the game. There’s been fury warriors, outlaw rogues, demo locks above 2700+ and the fact that its possible just means players are too lazy to make things work and just fotm arms warrior instead. All while telling people on the forums its their way or the high way

Just have fun playing the spec thats fun to you.

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there’s not a single fury warrior above like 2480 in 3s in the US lol. People aren’t giving him bad advice, they are giving him realistic advice. You can be amazing at fury and simply lose due to their design being trash for arena.

Nobody is telling him not to play it either, just that it’s going to be extremely difficult and much harder

Ok but 90% of your posts on this thread is motivating someone else to play a different spec as a response to the OP’s question regarding Fury warriors.

Take a fury warrior and an arms warrior at 2k mmr, who’s the better player? Wouldn’t you feel better knowing you’re at a disadvantage when winning games rather than vice versa? Or does arms/ret give a sense of false-pride far greater?

If OP is asking about fury warriors, maybe discuss fury warriors instead of “LOL goodluck you’re screwed unless you go arms, its true!”

Well the problem is that if he is aiming for high rating it means he is going to have to work 100x times harder than an arms who can face tank everything because their kit is insane compared to fury. If he is just playing casually then yea I would say go for it, I have a fury myself and everytime I pug someone they tell me “why are you fury, it’s terrible” but then we win and they change their minds. Nothing more fun than turning heads with a non meta spec :slight_smile: