Fury warrior problem

It’s no secret that right now fury suffers from a problem. And the problem is bloodthirst vs raging blow.

This will be even worse with hero talents. Because the way they want to make BT feel like it’s worth pressing is by adding interactions that only work on bt with hero talents such as mountain thane, even though bt generates significantly less rage, and significantly less damage. This will just feel pretty bad, because you’re making the “correct” choice, but it doesn’t feel like the correct choice.

So here’s the deal, onslaught replaces bloodthirst, now bt is a nuke type ability, guarantees enrage, does loads more damage than raging blow, and generates a lot of rage.

This also works better with procs from thane such as thunder blast and especially burst of power. This would also work well with slayer.

Now, pressing bt won’t feel terrible anymore, raging blow is your main spammable with 2 or 3 charges, BT is a nuke ability that does a lot of things, with an 18 second cd base that is hasted.

No more problems, the issue is solved at it’s core instead of trying to put a bandaid on a massive wound. Please take this into consideration, i don’t think there could be better solutions than this. It literally works for everything. Slayer, thane, baseline, it’s just great.

Ps: arms changes were terrible. Only rav/bs choice node is good, the rest is a mixture of neutral, bad, or really bad.

Honestly I’m surprised it doesn’t already. The buffs it got in mid season 1 made Bloodthrist pointless to press for the rest of that season (outside of Enraged Regen). Onslaught hit harder and gave enrage regardless (in the following talent). Also I would say that the longer cd helped as you could focus more on raging blow spam.

Probably why they made the Season 2 and season 3 sets focus on Bloodthrist. Can’t have the “iconic ability of Fury” be pointless.

Onslaught vs Bloodthrist is literary the “I do what they do, but better” meme.


Pretty much.

The big difference is that Bloodthirst is a survivability button when Frenzied Regeneration is active. If a change like that to Bloodthirst would be implemented, we would likely need our self-healing implemented into other places. (Not a bad thing, but an observation.)

Here are some issues I have with our current class tree design:

  • Theming: The right-side of the tree is largely Raging Blow focused while the left-side is Bloodthirst focused. Many of the Bloodthirst talents are too RNG (CSHB) or overall weak. The left side ALSO is where all the auto-attack options (Storm of Swords, Annihilator) used to be, but now they’re not. It’s also, strangely, where Single-Minded Fury is. More on that later.
  • Single-Minded Fury: Why is this halfway down the left-side of the tree with only one talent leading to it and one talent branching off from it? SMF needs to be in the top third our our tree as a choice node, it needs to be easy to get. Ideally, I think Raging Blow should be baseline for fury and the first node in our tree should be a choice node between Single-Minded Fury and Titan’s Grip.
  • Bloodthirst: Similar to how Wake of Ashes got its DoT talent made baseline to the spell, Bloodthirst needs CSHB to be baked in to the talent.
  • Fury Self-Healing: Right now our survivability is entirely based on Blood Thirst, so my recommendation would be to have fury gain passive leech that works out to the same amount of healing as Blood Thirst, then have Frenzied Regeneration boost our leech. It’ll probably need adjustment, but that’s fine.
  • Warrior Utility: Warrior needs a utility pass, specifically for M+ dungeons and raids. We simply don’t bring enough beyond Battle Shout. Moreover, I think fury and arms need unique utility so there’s actually reason to play one over the other in settings. We could have a button where we end enemy enrage effects by basically being more intimidating then our enemies. We could have our shattering throw purge 1 beneficial magic effect so it ends incorporeal. We could have a passive leech aura where our damage heals the party for small amounts because our savagery is just that inspiring. There are options, and they need to be considered.

These are all great ideas, unfortunately they aint listening!