I’m an old dude with a job, no min-maxing or mythic raiding here. I’ll be playing mostly Fury, pugging M+ and doing some ocassional PvP (I enjoy random bgs for fun and might even try arenas in 9.1).
Why Necrolord: I love the mogs and mounts, I like how tanky I can be with Marileth shields, Ultimate form and Fleshcraft. The Banner though seems kinda meh… I don’t care about min maxing dps, but the fact that it’s 2min and can be easily wasted makes it feel not as fun.
Why Night Fae: They don’t have the best visuals for an orc warrior IMO, but i’ve been having a blast leveling through dungeons and bgs with the NF abilities. The extra mobility feels really nice, and i’m loving Ancient Aftershock in both dungeons and bgs. 1.5 min cd means I’ll have it every time I Reck for clearing packs, and in PvP the extra cc, interrupt and instant damage makes me not want to miss out on this covenant.
TL;DR I’d just like some opinions from people who played any of these two covenants. Maybe something isn’t as good as I think, or there’s some interaction I’m not aware of.
Night Fae is generally just a lot better in M+. Not only does it have the best AoE damage of any covenant, but the repeated knockdown can take some very nasty pulls and make them downright easy by constantly interrupting enemies.
If you dont care about min/max then pick what funner for you, all warrior covenant abilities have their uses in different scenario. Perso i would go necro over nf.
NF is atm the go to covenant for pve with how good aftershock is and NF soulbinds. But with anger management talent, you get reck every min, so you can combo banner with every 2nd reck for big damage and buffing your friends.
For pvp necrolord would be more fun then nf, enemy can just walk out of aftershock, while banner make you go real zug zug on the enemy and run them down. Like you can do nasty damage and 1 shot because of banner mastery and strength buffs.
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Lol I have never seen a one shot banner kill in arena or bgs
Condemn on the other hand…
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Necrolord fury all the way. Banner burst windows are absurd, if obvious and cc’able, and you’ll feel like a god (put some cheesy power metal on in the background for full effect). Make sure to use the Covenent mog and use your cosmetic banner (it’s in your spell book as a toggleable ability!) for added flair. You can also use the cosmetic banner to fake out enemies to think you’re using your burst - very fun option! Stick with Marelith for your soulbind for some solid defensive options as well.
I’ve played quite a few classes to various ratings in pvp and have done the venthyr arms play but necrolord fury has been my favorite warrior experience yet.
There you go, should be more clips of mud doing crazy damage as necro: https://m.twitch.tv/mudcx/clip/RepleteJoyousFriseeMikeHogu-qtStrCZp7iNbmAc5
Of course it was with arm with how fury ain’t a thing in arena atm. Mud is big big necro warrior man tho.
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I find Necrolord pretty lackluster as Fury, at least in PvE. but Banner doesn’t feel especially impactful to use, and trying to line it up with other people’s cooldowns can be awkward.
I haven’t personally played NF yet, but I’m consistently impressed by the damage of NF warriors I group with.
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So this is how i look at it… Fury already has good constant damage, and with the banner it is just more constant damage for a few seconds, which can be kited out or difficult to get on your party members. What I think fury is lackings is a big “instant” damage skill to actually apply some pressure. I know level 59 battlegrounds are not the best way to test these things, but without any gear (mostly heirlooms and green/blues) with night fae I would just charge, and build up rage while waiting for the right moment to use Reck, Rampage, Ancient Aftershock, Storm bolt to keep them in there (was thinking of going Tauren to add an extra stun) and they either panic and die, or run away and get followed by a leap and bladestorm. Even if I get cc’d or kited right away, at least the initial damage is worth it for a 1.5min cd, instead of standing there looking at my pretty banner.
However I still think Necro looks cooler… I just don’t think it’s worth it if I’ll be playing M+ mostly. Thanks for the replies anyways, it helps.
Yeah i get that, NF can give that big instant unexpected cc burst into a stun. But with all the pvp talent changes across the classes, the meta will be interesting next season and hopefully really fun in general.
Like fury is getting a healing reduction pvp talent next patch, where you put a stackable healing reduction on the target with rampage, 15% for 5 sec up to 4 stack i believe. So having uptime on the target with the mouvement speed with banner will help big time to get that high stack to get a kill during reck window.
If they dont change that healing reduction talent, having banner for you and your melee friend will prob be quite disgusting since both of you will be immune of getting under 100% mouvement speed and murder the guy, 15 sec is more then enough.
If you mainly gonna do m+, NF aoe cc is just really goddam good in that place, adds just get cc over and over and dont do anything. Banner just get that teamwork value for buffing your friends that like mastery a lot for big damage, just like Power infusion from priest but require proper positioning to get the buff on the right targets and it wont always happen.
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Night Fae is the BiS Mythic+ covenant. It offers the highest mobility, and overpowered soulbinds as well.
I’ve never played Necrolord, but Banner is the worst ability… for us. Its real purpose is to buff others. It’s not useless, but its power lies in making someone much stronger than us for cooldowns.
NF is a dime a dozen in M+, so you could have the advantage of being Necrolord for getting invited into Plaguefall and Theater of Pain, as I’m pretty confident it’s the least played covenant overall.
I decided to go with Necrolord with this Fury Warrior, the Banner is nice and gives benefits to your group.
I hope you will have much fun with it buddy
So here’s an update…
I went NF, I absolutely love AA and Soulshape, I feel like a god in M+ (doing kinda low keys atm but it still feels good) and that’s all i’m doing for the moment.
But here’s the thing, everytime I see another orc with the necrolord plate armor I go “Man, that sh!t looks good”, and then I look at my fairy-goat looking a** mount and I feel really sad. I guess there isn’t much to do… IMO they totally screwed up the expansion by locking all these cool abilities to cosmetic choices.
But still… any thoughts on Necrolord being any better for M+ in 9.1, maybe?
You could just go necro and try it out, you can always come back to NF if needed, just do the quest to join back your covenant on monday and redo it on tuesday and boom you back where you at in NF. Since you aint doing super high keys, you can play w/e and be fine, playing what funner for you is what important
For m+, i can only see necro get big value if you have a group that really benefit mastery and if you have the necro legendary next patch, 1 more person get the buff, making it 4 out of 5 people that get the buff and you can keep yours for longer if you keep spending rage and you get even more value out of the strength soulbind buff from having banner up.
At the end, you will indeed be reducing personal damage by going that route with necro + that lego compare to your other options in m+, but your whole group will be doing a lot more damage in exchange if the right people that know what they doing get the mastery buff.
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Yeah the “shared power” sucks… I play Fury because it doesn’t rely on having other players around you like Arms does. I enjoy playing solo too much to be a Necrolord I guess.
Well arm dont really rely on other players to do stuff, except in like pvp with a healer. Just try necro and see if you enjoy it, if you do pvp, you will certainty like banner and necro shield.
There also kyrian that look really promising for m+ next patch with their covenant lego that you could test it out and see if you like using spear
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Night Fae as fury , the burst is insane if you have top gear , with recklessness and torment of kings leggo , especially if you proc avatar . It simply deletes people .
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Necro fury with signet is pretty insane personal burst having reck/avatar/enrage/blood fury/on use trinket/Necro banner with the necro conduit. Ofc it does benefit other classes like frost dks during pillar etc more but necro fury is fun for soloing. Using impending victory and the conduit adding the hot to it you can solo pretty much anything, like the volcano guy in the theater of pain arena area, had a 13 minute duel with a glad ele the other day using the same setup. It’s extremely good for otherwise hard solo content but NF is objectively better for m+ dps esp w pugs who won’t save their cds for your banner etc.
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