Fury warrior is actually in a pretty great spot right now for solo shuffle

been messing with fury the last few days because arms felt too meta, and wouldn’t ya know it, fury is actually in a spot that feels really good right now.

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The ranking say otherwise.
Also all tier list put them at B-C tier.
They actually are not in a good spot for solo at all.
Sustain damage isnt needed to win solo games its burst.
Fury doesnt hit for more than 50 k ina single hit very often.
Most hits are less than 30k.

You may get lucky and land a 50k Execute or Bloodbath but that lack of real burst puts fury is a bad spot.

Just look at the rankings you will see Fury is the only dps spec in the game that cant reach 3K ranking in solo.

People will try to gaslight on this and say that’s because noone is playing Fury.
Thats a half truth.
Noone is playing it because its a really weak spec for Solo Q and can’t land the kills.
Fury lacks the utilities and burst to do well.


its not as good as arms at the highest levels, but its more than playable and alot of fun


It feels good when I’m up against heavy melee lobbies. I’ve been having a lot of good success with whirlwind build and doing mega cleave damage. It’s really fun to be in a triple melee lobby, or at least have one round where I’m guaranteed to be against double melee.

The problem is I keep getting double hunter/frost mage/ele sham lobbies so I don’t have as much uptime and cleave. Otherwise it just feels like a worse Havoc.

Its fun for sure. The low rep I think has to do with the fact Arms is better so no one plays fury. Same reason Outlaw sees 0 play because the 2 other specs are just better.

Than why the discrepancies between the highest rated Outlaw and highest rated Fury?
People keep saying the reason there is no representation of Fury in the higher ranks is because Noone plays it, and fair enough.

But that doesn’t explain why or how outlaw has players above 3k while Fury hasn’t broken 2800.

The low rep is because we can’t burst hard enough to finish till around the third minute, if you’re against bursty S-Tier spec’s you’ll never get that chance.

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Just wait until you realize that you have to burst down someone to kill them, then you will wish that Fury gets some serious buff. Dev took away the healing advantage of Fury and have not given enough damage to compensate the weakened self-sustain. I had multiple game that I could not kill the opponent without the assist of a teammate as my opponent just heal back to above 50% life bar after I used all offensive CD without a healer

I predict once the pvp changes happen, Fury will be in a MUCH BETTER spot. Then again, I pvp as casually as they come so idc either way.

10.1 makes our CC’s worse, and most of our talent improves crit chance or crit damage, but they nerfed crit, so don’t hold your breath.

fury is a haste class that benefits from crit. its going to slap in 10.1

just broke 2100 today :smiley:

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Do you have any advice / guide? Do you use Anni build or Onslaught build?

I’m pretty new to PvP but love Firy, trying not to give up and go
Arms but feels like beating my head into a brick wall. My SS experience is mostly - I sit something, it never dies, and eventually one of my teammates is dead.

Fury will have a better chance to face high burst class due to critical strike damage reduction, but at the same time, Fury will further be weakened as Execute (based on tier set bonus), blood thirst (sustain), Spear of bastion, all rely on critical strike damage to keep pressure. You stay alive longer to put more pressure but you are also weakened further to reduce your pressure output. This not only affect Fury, Arms, as well as Frost DK. I favor the critical strike damage reduction change but Blizzard really needs to compensate some class already with low burst potential. It goes from decent output sustain damage to “hit like a toddler”.

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Anni for sustain, Onslaught for better burst.

i use anni and i have a guide on my channel! tomatosaucin on yt

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Thanks, I watched and enjoyed your videos (and would highly recommend to others considering fury!)

Just two quick questions if you have time:

how valuable do you find cleave (via Meat Cleaver and Titanic Rage) in PvP? I’d previously been going pure ST (no Meat Cleaver, Dancing Blades). Does hitting multiple targets with BT/BB give multiple heals? I imagine getting multiple Gushing Wounds off would be nice damage too, as well as spreading Slaughtering Strikes potentially giving value, but do you find it happens often enough in practice to make it worth the talent points?

have you ever tried SMF? Seems like it would generate a lot of extra rage and Anni / Sidearm incidental damage compared to Titan’s, plus you get free Enrage and extra speed - no one seems to be even discussing it though, does it have a big down side I’m missing (other than the 3 talent point cost, which admittedly are hard to find room for…)?

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1- i dont cleave at all, which feels kinda lame but i notice i’m mostly playing a swap focused play style. maybe once in a blue moon ill take the 2 ability cleave talent into melees i know will stack for rampages but thats about it. i either drop 2/2 in bigger bts or go 1/1 1/1 in ashen/other execute talent for more pressure

2- i haven’t messed w smf yet.

i want to try to hit 2.4k w the setup im running now and then maybe mess around w other stuff. should be able to this week if i get some time to play. i try to do a morning lobby and a pm lobby atm, but wont have time tonight. soon™

also the #1 change to fury i’d suggest would simply be baking slaughterhouse into rampage. would opt for more diversity in fury’s pvp talents

Thanks for the reply (this is my main…). Will watch for any new vids!