Hello everyone. I’m planning on making a dranei warrior. What warrior spec is better at dps for end game content like raids and dungeons. Though I think I’ll probably go with arms at first just to level up since titan’s grip can’t be earned until like level 70. I know each spec had strengths and weaknesses. I do like the sound of fury but I also don’t want to have to worry about getting a second weapon, such as getting a good mein have, then having to worry about your second weapon and pray you get what you want the second time around. But I do want to dps in end game content but im not rite j can be viable if im not fury. Can arms do good in raids?
Arms for levelling, Arms for PVP.
Fury is king of end game pve BUT only if you know how to play him properly
And you wait for the final two phases.
Arm’s is a utility spec and is one of the worst DPS specs. Fury is good in the end stage of wrath. Unfortunately PVE DPS warriors aren’t very highly valued this expansion. You would have a better chance at raiding as a Protection Warrior.
Hmmm arms sounds like a pic spec to level. But I did have a nice warrior carry me through SFK, he was level 26. Not sure what points he put in but he was doing amazing. I’ve tried warrior befits wrath classic came out. It was alright but I hated how slow your auto attacks were and even your abilities kinda lagged a little. I was higher than level 10. I’m not sure if warriors get mor moves to compensate for the slow 2H auto attack but I just found that particular aspect lacking. Leveling as a protection spec sounds pretty tempting
Level as arms or fury, I was referring to what you will be doing at level 80
At least I will have a good amount of time to test the waters and just have fun before I have to get too serious
Fury to level also… Bloodthirst heals you… saves on bandages-food…
Dual Spec the Revenge Arms and Fury
Arms typically gets a spot for its unique debuffs. Fury is better dps, but its buffs/debuffs are held by much better specs.
Until they get ArP, then they BECOME the better spec.
Sure but thats 2 raids from now. Also im pretty sure right now there is no reason to ever bring an arms warrior besides the fact that no one plays combat rogue.
I mean, combat and assassination are nearly equal right now, so i’m sure there’s some out there, specially since combat starts outpacing assassination in p2.
Well, as someone that has formed a half dozen raid pugs so far, I would LOVE if i invited a rogue and they were combat, because dps warriors are super bad and im not a fan of having one in the raid, and barely anyone seems to play feral so i dont care about the bleed debuff.
I do because it’s fun, but it is a lot of work to do less dps than an arcane mage hitting 2 buttons + cds
Though not having a war or feral lowers your Assassination rogues dps considerably.
Fury isn’t hard.
Your best individual dps at end game will be arms until you get enough arpen. Probably late ulduar (pending ilvl change effects) or ToGC. However, both specs are terrible for dps so you would only be brought for raid buffs or to gear you up for later phases. If you don’t already have a raid spot lined up and want to raid reliably over the next two phases I would suggest going shaman, hunter, or priest.
Shamans are pretty rare these days and gear/token competition is low with decent raid buffs. Hunters are always good for kiting/MD with low gear competition and class population. Everyone is currently looking for priests because faerlina/razz 25 requirements.
this is what i do
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