Fury spec bonuses

I actually agree with this - though it only comes up once every 20s or so during your “off cycle” Odyn’s Fury that doesn’t also have Reck up.

  • Playing optimally, you do want to delay using Bloodthirst in order to spend the Frenzied Bloodthirst buff on Bloodbath instead, often resulting in a rotation that looks something like this:
    Rampage -> Odyn's Fury -> Bloodbath -> Rampage -> Bloodbath -> Slam -> Whirlwind -> Rampage -> Bloodbath

And that does feel slightly awkward, but it is not very common - again it only happens during OF without Reck, and getting a Reck proc off any of those Rampage casts solves the issue (you can also run out and cycle charge to jumpstart it, or simply use Bloodthirst instead for a pretty trivial loss of optimization).

However, it would be disingenuous to point this out and not acknowledge similar issues with other tier sets, because they all have small hiccups like that:

  • For example, anyone who played Season 2 knows full well how awkward it is to run out of Raging Blow charges and be unable to fill with Bloodthirst because they don’t want to waste the 3 stack they’re still building up to a full critical strike.

Instead of just one of the bonuses, why dont we put in an option to CHOOSE between 3 options on the set?
Its end of the season so why not?
Let us go crazy and play around with builds for all the bosses till the next expansion.


Did not run spear for M+ and slapped. The build flowed and was great, S3 is trash for M+.

Your take is a bad hot take.



As opposed to just Raging Blow spam, right?

You know on average, S2 playstyle used Raging Blow just about as frequently as the S3 playstyle uses Bloodthirst + Bloodbath combined. The breakdown is surprisingly equal.


Bad take because of how much you could cooldown ravager. It made the spec feel more like true fury rather than a walmart arms warrior. I bet you either play a lot of arms or you would rather be playing arms.

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I cannot believe people are picking S3 over S2. AM playstyle was perfect in S2, but the whole season got overshadowed by Aug and godcomp bs.

Massive case of recency bias. Annihilator / RA playstyle really sucks. I want onslaught and 100% reck uptime back.


Vote for Season 2 set bonus gadies and lentlemen, go ham in M+ AoE with anger management/ravager!


If s3 doesn’t win, I think a ton of folks go play s1 arms warrior in s4…lol


Maybe show your actual main, but I know you don’t because you’re hiding behind an alt character and have 0 idea what you’re talking about when majority of the people here what to do with season 3 tier set bonus.


true that it’s the same as spamming raging blow but at least raging blow is used to empower ranpage where with bloodthirst other then a bit of health and using the changes from the set bonus it does nothing.

like i said season 3 is a braindead set since you just do the same thing every time.

Charge-reckless-spear(if you have)-odens-(roar if you have)-bloodthirst-avatar-bloodthirst-ranpage-bloodthirst-ranpage-bloodthirst

like i said braindead once you have the right stats for it otherwise you just cycle ranpage bloodthirst slam and whirlwind until you hit execute then it’s just ranpage bloodthirst execute other then just poping odens and cooldown it’s mainly just your buffs you have to manage no needing to watch for anything or keep track of anything it’s just hit those buttons and anyone will see good damage.

With this set we have taken damn near all the complexity outta the class other then having to use our buffs and use odens we have nothing to manage it’s all just go ham.

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Not even close. S2 forces you to use spear and you become an uptime slave. Meaning if you need to move out of that spear its going to be a bigger loss on top of having to maintain uptime to lower your gcd which just makes it feel flat out worse. At least with season 3 you don’t feel as punished when you have to jump out with a mech. And you aren’t hard locked into spear for St, You can run roar and not feel bad about it.

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Yes, that’s the fun part of the spec. It adds a rotational button and gives you room to optimize and express skill by getting high uptime therefore more CD usage.

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Season 3 is more activity than I ever had with S2 tier set honestly. I literally can turn off my brain on S2 set and have to set up weakaura when too press it. S2 tier set was utterly terrible in raiding vs S3.

I would rather have a bland and ‘boring’ tier set that I can play in M+ and be viable enough too be in bigger raids than rely on went I time my ravager in AOE fights or raid encounters.

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Season 2 Set Bonus Clears every other tier in terms of fun it is not close. Season 3 is serviceable in raid but in m+ its so boring I barely played fury this season for the first time in years.


You keep using the term “brain dead”, but you’re not making any sense. What you’re saying isn’t brain dead (S2) is literally the definition of brain dead gameplay.


End of the xpac or not, upping the workload of tier sets to implement and balance in a patch from 39 to 117 is simply too tall an order to get right.

As for the vote itself, it’s a catch-22 if I’ve ever heard one, and a clear sign we ate good with the DF talent tree rework, so many good spells behind each side of the tree. My vote goes to S3 in the end though as Fyralath and other spells fit way better into the Annihilator rotation than the AM/Ravager build.

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give us ptr season 3 tier set or riot :cold_face:


Yeah i did that at the start but i found i was spending more time looking at the weak aura the then fight so i started to have to manage it myself and found it much better after i did that.

This set honestly to me is just boring, even with season 2 i still managed to do well in bigger raid groups and m+ same as this set but i would like the option to have some choices this current season you don’t really have alot of choices it you have to go basicly the same as everyone else the only real choice you have is do you want spear or roar.

While they were also choices for the other seasons as well you also could go anger management if you wanted more uptime on ravanger which is juicey or you could go empowered which changed how you have to go into fights if you had spear since you wanted to try and time them right to get the biggest bang for you buck where now it’s just hit things off cooldown.

Like i said to me season 3 fury is brain dead since you don’t really need to think about much i’m at the point where i just auto pilet most fights since it’s just muscle memery now and just either watch shows or youtube in the background.

I agree as well. It is a minor issue that is simply just using another ability and thanks for pointing out the issue in season 2. I definitely remember those awkward timings as well. To me though, I just like the higher uptime on Recklessness from AM and Berserker’s Torment. I really wish they would incorporate Odyns Fury into AM.


season 2 was anything but you had to manage things and choice when to use your buffs from the set you could let it just get to full and use it for the most damage or you could let it get to the point where it was at 100% crit then use it.

That is way more engaging then anything season 3 brings to the table which is as i said odens bloodthirst avatar bloodthirst ranpage bloodthrist nothing really to manage it’s just hit the buttons.

Is that a bad thing no not really i can see why some people like it but it’s mindless nothing really to manage or anything and nothing really to think about or any real change you can do other thing picking if you want spear or roar.

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