Fury/Prot tanking

I’ve watched a bunch of things and heard talk of a dual wield fury/prot build
I get that it works on PS, but how are the parry changes going to play into this spec?
I’m also kinda confused how some PS bosses are straight obliterated(which is what makes this build viable apparently), i was in a guild that actually did some naxx back in the day and we did have priority debuffs on targets, we had consumables, we weren’t blocked hard by tank threat issues and dps all tried pumping hard. I remember going oom as a warlock, even with priest renews and bandaging.

Tldr: how out of whack are private server raid templates or how out of whack were people’s skill level

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That is usually Naxx-geared guilds that use that for speedrunning.

I mean they are talking about it before naxx being viable

Fury/Prot is something that is easy to get confused. There are basically two ways to use this spec.

  1. Tank with a Shield and 1-Hander as normal.

  2. Dual Wielding in high avoidance/armor gear with threat and DPS pieces.

Doing Fury/Prot with a 1-H and Shield is not far fetched at all. In fact prior to the Shield Slam buff in 1.11 it was a very common tanking spec. It is a high rage income and decent threat build that sacrifices nothing important for tanking bosses.

Dual Wield tanking is for when you have the +hit/weapon skill and crit in addition to your healers having the healing throughput. The tank will be chugging Armor pots, should have Power Word: Shield on them, and any other raid cooldowns and raid buffs on them that increase Armor.

Also the tank should be swapping in a Shield any time they need the extra mitigation. Good tanks will be swapping gear frequently for trash and bosses as the need dictates.

The gear level where this becomes realistic is basically AQ40 with the Conqueror’s Battlegear. So it will be a while before this is recommended.

With low hit/crit/weapon skill, a full Shield Slam build is actually higher TPS.


Okay, that sounds a lot more reasonable.
So PS people acting like they are going to roll into MC in blues and greens running dps fury/prot are being silly then?

I wouldn’t recommend DW tanking at that gear level. Would basically be wearing 2/3 DPS gear to make it work as advertised.

You can tank up to 60 and even at 60 by just throwing on a sword and board and sitting in def stance.

You dont need to spec into healing or tanking for dungeons.

Sorry, specifically talking about raiding at 60

back in vanilla i ran a 0/31/20 build. It appears thats still a common understanding and accepted build (generally speaking) for dps/off tanking because with those 20pts in prot you get the basic essentials needed. Everything beyond that in the prot tree are just added damage, minus shield wall buff.

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The issue with PS is that the buffs they get for a fast clear (probably after MC first clear) is every guild would be handing in onyxia’s head and having that buff. That crit helps allows the Furry/prot become viable early game as you can wear more hit/defense gear.

The other issue is the enchants, pots, and other consumables are not going to be in high supply like others think. Black lotus is 45-1hr re-spawn with 1-2 in each zone (depends if it’s picked fast enough). This already limits the amount of flasks a raid will have in the early game, even in there are 3 zones with them.

Enchants are going to extremely expensive in the early game simply because mats are going to be scars and everyone knows those who are going to raid will pay exorbitant prices for those enchants.

Crafted gear will also be exorbitant for the same fact as enchanting will be.

The last issue is that no one currently know’s what to expect for raids. We know roughly what each encounter entails, dmg, but we don’t know how the dmg of the bosses and the gear available, and the increased dot (16 instead of 8) will do to the raids.

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Aright as someone who is Fury/Prot, I’m just going to say this, Classic is easy, you don’t need to go deep protection for dungeons, you don’t have to demo shout because your taking too much damage, all this crap against Fury/Protection spec is a conspiracy started by the mage community because they were jealous that warriors were not only taking top raid damage from them, but also top dps in dungeons. So, they started the crap about how warriors will take too much damage in Fury/Prot spec, and how dungeon tanking requires you to have a shield. All of the Anti-Fury/Protection stuff is wrong. Heck, I tanked Deadmines as Fury/Protection.
In conclusion tanking is easy we all just suck.

Necro much?

You sure told that guy from five and a half years ago.

I don’t even know who you’re trying to convince, you’d be hard pressed to find a deep prot warrior anywhere. Hell, a lot of warriors tank in their dps specs.

Really you had points in both fury and prot at level 20?


Yeah go Cruelty, then Shield Spec

if you were tanking dm with a shield i would hardly call that fury prot

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Do you know what fury/prot is, fury prot doesnt mean im gonna go in a use a shield the whole time. It means that im gonna go in, grab threat with dual wield and then once im good on threat, I go to shield.

Thats why its called fury/PROT.

you’re claiming that’s what you were doing… in dead mines?


Your bad and should feel bad for putting healers through hell


Absolute mad lad tanking DM as a dual wield “Prot/Fury” Warrior.

But that’s nothing. I Healed WC on a Shadow/Disc Priest.


What parry changes ?