Fury or Arms (Slayer) vs Ret Paladin

Having trouble deciding which i want to main.

I hear a lot of good things about all 3, but from what ive known warriors tend to get nerfed to the ground and while pally is in a good spot, not sure how it compares.

We need some more context here. PvE? PvP?

TL:DR: (and this is only my opinion)
Ret Paladin is absolutely boring AF to play. Most of it is passive play style, and insanely straight forward in it’s need to make choices. Almost to the point of Blizzard holding your hand and playing the class for you. Some love it, others hate it.
In a PvE scheme, Ret will do more dps with it’s 30s cooldown, and has butt loads of utility.
I can’t speak to PvP, I don’t play that side of things.

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my apologies, PvP