I see it about split. Will fury stay strong into season 2? I haven’t seen any changes, although I haven’t been looking to hard, figures I’d come to the source.
It’s always been arms or bust as far as pvp, but since BFA, Fury has its ups for sure.
Thoughts on pushing into high rated pvp? Or is it really pick your poison?
Yea id even say since MoP fury has been top. But certainly now it is. One of the problems is that blizz tried to homogenize all specs making them equally viable in PVE… that messed up pvp balance and uniqueness of specs
Fury has never been better than Arms in PvP. It may work better currently with specific comps, but such a broad statement as “Fury has been better than Arms since MoP” is simply false, as Fury has never been the go-to PvP spec for warriors.
I say furry . Arms feels like a gimped version of legion ret pally waiting for that damage window. colossal smash window much longer. Unless .you take the 120 talent I think it’s anger management to use colossal smash more often.
I see Fury as the 1v1 class. Its amazing when speced right. One of the best 1v1 classes going around.
Arms is the Team utility class. Basically bringing in Debuffs like Reduced Healing and Dot damage. But requires a healer or a decent team to be good.
Different specs for different scenarios. I use Fury 90% of the time due to i play Solo and i hate looking for decent healers, so stuff em, ill heal myself.
Fury doesn’t need Defensive Stance, it already has much more sustainability than Arms.
Not only do you have self-healing through hitting Blood Thirst every 3-4 seconds, you also have other sources of healing or ways to boost your self-healing through various talent choices.
You can also choose to boost Enrage to give you 10% damage reduction, and choose a PvP talent that increases the up-time of enrage. Sure, it isn’t going to have 100% up-time, but it’s 10% damage reduction that doesn’t reduce your damage at the same time, unlike how Defensive Stance reduces your damage by 20%.
It’s 5-6%, health depending on talents, every 3-4 seconds, based on how much haste you have, on a main rotational ability. You’re not dumping any resources in order to heal, like Death Strike, nor does it have extremely long cool down like WoG.
Furthermore, Bloodthirst can provide a burst of healing through Furious Charge, if taken over Warpaint. Bloodthirst will heal even more on targets below 50% if you take the Lambs to the Slaughter PvP talent. Also, let’s not forget that Bloodthirst’s heal scales with your HP, so that means Rallying Cry, Fort buff, Gladiator’s Emblem, etc all increases the effectiveness of the heal.
Enraged Regeneration is a good defensive. It can be used while stun, reduces damage taken by 30%, and increases the healing from Bloodthirst does by an additional 20% all while being on a 2min cool down.
There is also the Battle Trance PvP talent that gives us passive healing as long as we do what is needed to maintain it. And that is why Fury’s survival is good, most of our healing is just flat out passive. We heal from just being in combat, pressing our rotational buttons and skills that cost us nothing in return. Same thing with using Warpaint, we get a passive 10% damage reduction by just pressing our damaging abilities. I really don’t know what more you’re looking for on the survival front for a spec that gains the majority of their healing and defensive buffs from just mashing their attack keys.
This is actually false. The time arms were an excellent support class in pvp has been in the past. The best support talent today is hardly used (duel), simply because all arena teams that has a brain know that the best target in an arena that has an arms is the arms.
Also, by focusing on an arms you’re practically forcing him to sit around the entire arena giving only 80% of his potential damage. Knowing that an enemy will always hits you 20% less is something that makes the math of a pvp become quite simple.
And not to mention that the defensive cds of arms are awful, in any pvp scenario neutralize die by the sword is work for a child. Everyone knows that taking stun while this talent is activated makes it useless. And 30% less damage reduction for 8 secs does not stop a good team from killing you.
I get what you are saying however where am i exactly false on in my post?
Sure Arms isnt amazing atm (in Arenas) however its still the Spec to play when it comes to bringing utilities to a group fight like in RBGs. Fury is great for pressuring and base damage but Arm’s Mortal Strike, Deep Wounds and Sharpen Blade is why its the spec teams want hence why its the utility class.
Arms requires Patching as its a broken down spec but i believe thats what Blizzard is aiming for with the class.
So i believe any ways.
Arms has MS + Sharpen Blade. That pulls it ahead in a comp that doesn’t have another form of healing reduction. For most of the season, Arms also had phenomenal kill confirm through Executioner’s Precision, which gave it a niche over Fury - now that it’s gone, healing reduction is still the niche, esp. with Striking The Anvil.
Arms currently doesn’t excel at any specific role, anything the spec brings to the table is severely lacking in the current meta. I don’t think Blizzard’s aim is to make Arms a support/utility spec, they’re just trying to make sure that every spec can bring something more to the table rather than just being one-dimensional. There are several classes out there that have some form of utility while still offering up good damage and cc, you needn’t look any further than the current class representation numbers to get a good idea.
Fury doesn’t have as much utility on offer as Arms, nor does it really out perform Arms in damage given the right circumstances. In essence, the advantage it has over Arms is having higher mobility/up-time, which could lead to a seemingly higher damage output on average when tackling enemies that have more ways of escaping/ccing, however, if both specs have the same amount of up-time on a given target, the damage output is nearly identical. The other benefit is that Fury has an increased longevity through self-healing and not being penalized for picking and/or playing with more defensive talent choices.
Sharpen Blade really isn’t that amazing, at least not on a smaller scale. It can be useful in RBGs, particularly if used on the enemy FC when the stacks are high, but other than that, it’s really just taken because there are no better options.
The spell in itself is a unique form of CC that is of course meant to counter all forms of healing without actually having to directly CC anything. It was Blizzard’s way of finally giving Warriors back THE Mortal Strike like they had in the past before giving it out to other classes because they could not compete without it. This is what ultimately leads to it’s underlying issue, the debuff is far too weak. This isn’t the fault of the skill itself, but the issue is with in the current meta. Healing is just too high and damage is too low (at least for Warriors) that even at 50% reduced healing, healers can top someone off either by themselves or with help from their partners. Blizzard realized this, hence they ended up buffing it by increasing its duration, alas Sharpen Blade’s only real use is to exhaust the mana pool of the said enemy healer faster.
As far as Executioner’s Percision goes, practically very few, if any, used that trait. It was heavily nerfed early on in the season, along with all of our other good traits. Arms took on several damage nerfs that lead to the spec’s representation to being steadily on the decline throughout the season. It is also the sole reason for why Fury is now competitive with Arms, albeit finding themselves with similar issues of not being a very optimal choice for the current meta.