Fury nerfs?

Didn’t think we were crazy OP for raid and now they nerf the heck out of m+ for fury. Dont understand why warriors always get nerfed right away while other classes sometimes never get touched.


They could have done a pvp specific nerf instead, although I asked on the pvp forums for nothing to change…but with consumables and deathwish stacks Fury was blowing up people in 2 seconds. It couldnt continue without a bunch more people equiping a brown healthbar and hulk smashing the non-furys.

Yep totally a knee jerk reaction to AOE damage. Fury single target is very meh.


Nothing to address the weak sustain, nuked our burst from orbit. I fear this makes fury pretty weak overall. Went from A to S tier to a** tier. Yikes.


good thing for our Utility.


The reason why I decided to abandon Warr this xpac. Warrior sucks in comparison to other classes, they’re useless and everytime we show potential damage, we get nerfed. It’s so annoying, our talent trees and some core mechanics could use a rework but they always choose their lil casters. Mages received like, 3 reworks in a span of 2 xpac


This raid is legitimately made for Fury. All of your CDs align almost perfectly with every fight mechanic. You have on demand Big AoE Burst for every group of adds.

This nerf was seen coming a mile away and largely is a slap on the wrist overall for Fury (Roughly a 1% loss on Single Target and an 8% loss on Multi Target).

The specs will be more than fine.

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Abilities should not be nerfed because of raid design, especially when that effects other part of the game. ST is not great and AoE is all we have. Sustained AoE is meh and drops off substantially. If they are nerfing the burst then they should help out with the sustain AoE by buffing BT, RB and Execute. They are going to be complete garbage for m+.


Yeah seems a bit dumb. The burst aoe was the problem, and how thst lines up with add spawns in raid.

You have to wonder about critical thinking skills at blizz.

They just want warriors to play arms every expansion.


Thats quite literally how the game has worked for almost 20 years. Specs aren’t good just because they’re mathematically good. They’re good because encounters also favor cooldowns, damage profiles, and such. This is perfectly normal.

Again this is an 8% nerf at most to AoE. Fury burst AoE will still be some of the strongest, especially for M+ and Raid. Fury will be more than fine.

Again these nerfs are at most a slap on the wrist for Slayer Fury, if you were doing well atm, you will be more than fine come next Tuesday.


We were finally in the top 5 DPS so Blizzard had to nerf us so DHs and Warlocks can keep their top spots unimpeded. Also they hit Arms to because why not I guess.


Did they buff mountain thane?

Thats not true, Fire mages in EP and Nyalotha were good because they were mathematically good. Same for aff locks in Leigon.


True since SL mages is always a meta pick for m+ look at the MDI there is always a mage every season along with s priest and maybe a warlock or boomy(not much but it does happen) or a melee dps (rarely) Only thing I remember back iN BTA port warrior were the meta tankf or MDI for the whole expason. And in DF mid way S2 is Mage, spreist, Aug Evoker and that haven’t change since. and is looking like m+ will be mage Aug Evoker ,warlock? Spirest damage is really currently but they are getting buff so maybe people will bring them for PI and part of their damage.

But never a melee is every pick for meta.


We were top DPS, the nerfs were very minor. Crying over such small nerfs is laughable.


15% to our biggest damage dealer is minor? Get out of here, troll.


It is incredibly minor when it comes out to only a 0.6% ST nerf and a 2.2% nerf in AOE.


You should really do the math, like tinderbeef just said said, its overall a .6% ST nerf and a 2.2% nerf in AOE. The nerf is really nothing.

Quick edit: we were literally #1 DPS for AoE by a decent chunk #2 for single target. We might drop one spot if that. If such a minor nerf is making you want to reroll, feel free. Enhance shaman is looking pretty good.

edit edit: ill admit i was being a lil rude about it, ill apologize for that, but the knee jerk reaction to a nerf saying “omg my class is useless now” is still just silly.


You do realize fury warrior tier blows whereas some others are 10% dps increase. Your reply is not going to age well.

How many people do you think have 4p in those logs you linked from week 1?


still only a .6% / 2.2% nerf, and considering how many people arent playing mechagnome / void elf /Tauren, i dont think many people actually care about that small of a %.

Edit: yes those are the top 3 DPS races for fury warriors.