Fury Ignore Pain

Bring it back. Arms is outsustaining Fury somehow now, and there’s so much rage economy that fwar can absolutely fit IP into the rotation again.

Since we are getting bladestorm back soon, IP should return as well.


Ok. I’ll see what I can do.


Fury has a ton of survivability without IP


Because all of fury’s self healing has pvp modifier reductions.

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Not in dampening modes. It’s outliving frost dk somewhat, but it’s pretty universally regarding as one of the worst RSS specs recently due to output and damage absorption.

Doesn’t need it.

fury has 10% damage deduction while enraged and i don’t recall arms having anything similar. That’s why it doesn’t get IP.

It’s cut in half in pvp. Fury is dying a lot more, statistically, and it is underperforming, also statistically.

well, they can make the 10% DR talent a choice node, and put IP there.

‘War Paint’ is not 10% DR in pvp, it’s only 5%. Read the talents in a pvp setting before commenting.

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This wasn’t just talking about pvp, OP does not mention PvP at all in their post. ReAd ThE MaIn PoSt BeFoRe CoMmEnTinG.

I for one don’t want ignore pain in PVE scenarios again, which is why i suggested the war paint be choice node, war paint is fine in PVE, while PVPers can take IP. Further more Unclesam already stated it as cut in half, your post added nothing except to try to bring me down for whatever reason. No wonder why people don’t like pvpers.

Edit: or just ask for it not to be cut in half because fury in under performing now?

Why would you be against it for PVE? You don’t have any shenanigans like old arms using it to proc tactician. If anything, it would be a nice “oh crap” button to have in any use case.

The rage cost was so high in pve for fury that it was literally almost never worth pressing.

Fury is already absurdly tanky.

If you find yourself needing IP to survive as fury you’re likely going to die regardless. Fury is one of the tankiest dps in the game.

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Man, you know, you say that but fury feels pretty rage starved. Also not even Fury’s biggest problem in pvp. I’ts lack of cc immunes cutting into our up time. Getting bladestorm back might help with that.

As far as what you want, full effects from warpaint and bloodthirst would be enough honestly.

Hey salty girl, he liked my post, not yours. In the overall context of the thread(where he has posted multiple times, he’s talking about pvp as well). Hyper sensitivity isn’t a good trait for a warr.