Further Customization in the future?

Evoker has a lot of things that need to be addressed, least of all their appearance options.

That being said I do hope that we will either get a transmog option for our dracthyr form OR at the very least a much, much wider color selection for our generic armor. It’s an absolute pain trying to work within the confines of what we have already.

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Pretty sure dracthyr has more customization than anything else on character creation


it has more options, but only because you can customize your dracthyr form and your visage form… something that you dont actually ever see unless you try to cheese it.

Allow perma visage and we would be able to say that it has the most customization

If anything, I want to play something other than a human and a blood elf.


Yep they could literally just give us every race and add those dragon eyes to it and call it good. They did that with the Death Knights, every race just has blue glowy eyes


and a pale skin option. Deathknights are just dead people tho.

Visage is a whole new thing, While you look like the races, you dont at the same time. You are TRYING to look like them but your dragon features appear on it… you could just be generic andy but at that point you are just going to complain about race again

You guys bit.

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The armour options are just bad. Even if some look nice, the colours clash with nearly everything.

They should just enable transmog. Even if it doesn’t include additional meshes, the textures alone would make a massive difference.

yeah, like majordomo selistra or lindormi. only thing they have different than vulpera/panda is the yellow slit eyes

Quite a few dragons that passed as normal humans and other races for uears and no one knew. The ones that show draconic features now are just using a form that doesn’t invoke fear in mortals IMO. While the champions like us are more used to it, so we see them in their normal form more.

Calling players mortals is the cringiest crap that exists in this game. It seems lile every other boss and quest npc has a voice line calling you mortal. Like dude, this is my 8th week killing you on 4 different classes, youre mortal too, shut up about it

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I think most of them refer to the lifespan rather than unkillable form. And yes, kind of silly when we end up killing them that should be it, but nope, over and over they die. So well, they are kind of immortal in a way. :rofl:

We’re still missing some of the shoulder options that were shown off when they were previewing the dragon form.

They were modeled and textured and just never added to the live game.

1st and 4th there have shoulders we can’t use.

I, too, am hoping for both more transmog in dracthyr form and more visage options. I feel like transmog is the more straightforward though. I feel like their bodies are easier to texture for than worgen or kul’tiran or pandaren. Give them boots and gloves like worgen, and just make it so they can’t wear capes (which actually makes sense).