Do you guys think fury should have hamstring? I kind of see furry like a havoc as it doesn’t really have many buttons. its just smash keyboard at all times. but havoc doesn’t have a snare. They can have two charges just like havoc does with fel rush.
This takes me back to that one guy making a post complaining about Warrior utility and listing Hamstring.
Hamstring is just one of those abilities that should be baseline for the whole class imo.
hamstring is one of the least obnoxious snares rofl
while we’re at it, hamstring was off global until its ability to feed the tactician passive making pvers spam it with macros got it “nerfed” by adding it to the gcd and increasing its duration as a compensation. but then it was removed from the tactician passive anyway; when’s it coming back off global?
Idk if we really want it back off gcd even without that passive.
Need less snares/utility that get macrod into every ability, and more that require thought/decisions to use.
Could make it cause a shorter gcd, but I’d rather not have warriors reapply hamstring with every ability they use.
Nah, give me the BM treatment where my filler extends its duration.
i know i do
the rage cost is, or should be, the fix here. hamstring that lasts 15 seconds and costs a global+10 rage is meaningless to rage economy, but if it’s off global and 8 seconds or whatever duration it used to be, it’ll add up to a lot more rage consumed especially if it’s used on multiple targets frequently. arms, which we’re all hoping goes back to being the only pvp spec, has an absolutely pathetic rage economy wherein 0 haste can effortlessly keep ms on cooldown, overpower is free, slam does 0 damage, and execute range is the only time rage requires a shred of thought. having to spamstring twice as often could liven that up
It does, they just need to spec into it.
I think a case could be made that, since Snares existed mainly as a way of dealing with latency mismatch in Vanilla, we could probably do away with Snares altogether and it would improve the state of the game.