Furry 1H or 2H

Just checking to see if going single minded with 1 handers is lower DPS/stamina etc.? Can you use a 2H and a 1H together, assuming that you have a 1H at higher iLVL than your second 2H?

If you’re trying to optimize (Mythic Raid & Mythic + keys over 11), than Two 2Hs is the way to go.

If you’re not pushing higher content, and like the aesthetic of 1H Weapons than you can use 1Hs.

Never try and mix and match the two.

PS: Set your loot specialization to Arms if you’re going down the 2H route. The loot pools are exactly the same, except arms doesn’t have 1H weapons.


Thats what i thought. I like to loot as prot to get the better 1 hand, and thinking i could do furry as single minded, but it seems that is not ideal, so selecting arms or prot is the way to go, depending on what i need.

A 1H has exactly half the attributes of a 2H… So 2x 1H = a single 2H, or in other words, you will have the same attributes as an Arms Warrior, being unable to benefit from the missing stats that the second 2H would nominally give you… The ONLY and ONLY benefit from SMF is the autoattack Critical strike effect, which basically takes half your crit chance and turns it into Enrage uptime… So if you’re already stacking a ton of Critical Strike and Mastery, you might get some additional benefits from SMF, otherwise, its completely at the bottom of the pool of blood it died in…

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If you’re running a raid, you should set your loot spec to fury so you can roll on a second two-hand weapon if it happens to be the same one you have equipped in one hand. You can’t main-spec roll on it in arms loot spec if you already have one per the group loot rules. It will show up as an off-spec roll.

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just so you know fury is already one of the worst if not worst single target dps in the game make of that what you will if you are looking to nerf yourself further with smf

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