Alright Blizz,
We know you see the hundreds of post about people running the dungeon 30+ times for these trinkets. We know you see all the comments complaining about the drops rates .
It’s time to nerf these trinkets. Why? Because, it’s creating frustration and burnout in the game. Frustration and Burnout is not what you want in the game, especially after only just being released. People are spending hours upon hours in the same dungeon daily just trying to farm these trinkets, with no luck.
People can say “Well they don’t have to, they just choose too.”
That is completely false. They feel like they have to. People are literally being sat because they don’t have these trinkets. While it may not be /exactly/ someone inspecting you and saying “You don’t have FRF or EoS, so we’re kicking you” the fact is, the damage and DPS these trinkets give PASSIVELY makes up for that argument.
People with the trinkets are pulling much higher DPS. People are being sat because their peers with the trinkets are doing much more DPS then them, and there’s nothing they can do about it.
Sure, you can say “Oh ItS a SkIlL tHiNg”. But it’s really not. Give the same player the same exact character duplicate, except them not having the trinket. I promise you the ones with the trinkets will be pulling way higher.
Let’s look at the top end logs:
Each trinket does anywhere from 3.5-5% of the TOTAL DAMAGE for a raid boss. Passively. 5% of their damage is PASSIVE. While 5% doesn’t sound a lot, that’s 3-5k DPS they get, for a SINGLE item. PASSIVELY. 40k DPS vice 35k. That’s huge.
Let’s also look at all the RWF players that ran not 1, but SEVERAL toons in attempts to get the trinkets. The toon they brought to the raid, is the one who got these trinkets.
People are being sat, because the low drop rate, crappy RNG, and no control over something. It’s causing burnout. It’s causing frustration. Nerf these trinkets so they are not a “mandatory” piece of gear to have.