Funny or Clever Character Names

rogue - turnaround
healer - wewoowagon
undead priest - purifythis
human - “celebrity name”
dwarf warrior - gimli / hobbit reference

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My character names

Tauren Druid- Sprucebigelo
Tauren DK- Moolander
Warlock- Summonurself
Paladin- Hammrslammer
Mage- Pompybro
Shadow Priest- Blackrosary
Druid- Trillferal
Vul Rogue- Poisonpaws
Vulp Monk- Skibbitypaps
Blood Elf DH- Gringostarr

I have a lock named Dotsvidaniya and a druid named Keanuleaves. Guy in my old guild had a draenei named Squidvicious. Not as funny buy i have a priest name Waytoodrunk that runs around with the Brewmaster title

Gnome Rogue - bootysmacker

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Tauren Druid - Moomkin

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Tauren bank alt in my guild named Bainecapital

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I had a shammy named Hughjassole but he got banned


Tauren Druid - Pastureprime



i have a rogue stinkdigit and a gnome warlock, gnomaphobia

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Saw a human rogue yesterday named Micdagger

Dwarf Paladin - Paladimsum
Dwarf Frost Mage - Dwarfizzle

If we’re allowed to deviate from Classic - my favorite one I ever saw (including title)

Chef Boyardee

This thread should be renamed Stupid or Adolescent Character Names

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I was given a 3 day holiday for my healing shaman named Hughjassole


Cinderhella for a belf deathknight

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Most of them seem to be people just trying too hard to be clever and failing. You can only see so many thousand night elf hunters named some variation of “Legolas”, Tauren with “beef” in their name, undead with a pun on rotting, warlocks with “dot” in their name, and so on.

They’ve all been done to death and aren’t as clever as the person thinks they are.


Hell yeah, 1 month necro.

Green Jesus = Greesus

There’s a shaman on our server with [Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros]. His name is Ragnaros. His guild is .

saw a gnome named grassygnoll

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