Funny names you've seen

Hey i’ve got a vulpera DK named roadkill too! Just using him for the heritage unlock though


It had a lot of letters missing, but I saw a shaman named Shamuel Jackson.

Usually, it’s druids I see with cool puns. Drawing a blank, but Shamuel Jackson wins the award, for me.

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I saw a guy in battlegrounds called Ignorance; ignorance was my demise.


There used to be a Worgen with the username OhGodFleas

I really loved that name. lol


Oh, that is so bad, it’s good!

Just saw a character named Cmorbutz today. I didn’t even notice the name until after I /thank them for helping kill a world quest mob. Looked down at the emote and laughed. lol

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I hope the account owner’s real name is “Travis”.

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Tauren Balance Druid named Owlcapone amused me more than it should.


ive seen some inappropriate names but not any funny ones i can remember

Was in an rbg at some point in MoP, and I distinctly remember hearing one of our shotcallers laughing and saying there was a belf hpal named “Dadpullout”
I have yet to see a better one.

Hunter named Activision with a pet named Blizzard. With the name plate, it says Blizzard <Activision’s Pet>