Fungal Folly delve - REMOVE SPORBITS

these sporbits are not only really annoying but they are also mucking up the delve. there are a pair of adventurers in there (Reno Jackson and Sir Finley Mrrgglton) and there is one of those sporbit things RIGHT ON TOP OF THEM. so it detects you, detonates, which then triggers the pair of adventurers (or just one in my case) and then they reset and you can’t engage with them any more.

either remove the sporbits from platforms with friendlies (this has been an issue with previous fungal folly delves) or make the friendlies immune to them until they are activated

edit: these effing things also knock pets up into areas and then they can’t come down. because of course hunter pets don’t have enough issues with pathing. just remove the damn things already


100% agree

i agree with removing them.

on top of all the issues w/ pathfinding and npcs, they just plain give me a headache by spinning 999mph w/ swirling particle effects right on top of my character.

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Yeah, these are unbearable in their current iteration. I had 3 spawn on the boss and could not find any downtime to DPS because my ghoul/Brann/horsemen were re-triggering them constantly and they seem to have no cooldown and they don’t die.

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Yep. Dealing with them right now. They just keep respawning right on top of me, and then boom. And then respawn and boom right on top of me again, over and over and over again. Bugged up the npcs, pets, minions, everything.

They say that they detect movement, yet that is a lie. I stood there and did nothing, and it zoomed right to me and exploded, then proceed to respawn and zoom right to me again and explode and do it over and over again. All the time I’m just standing there not moving.

Sorry, but yeah, they gotta go. They are too buggy right now.

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Let them stay dead if killed.

I hate these things so much


Those sporebits are a massive pain in the butt when playing as a Shadow Priest. Spawning Void Tendrils, those things always target the Sporebits. Always. Either need to remove the sporebits or make them stay dead when the blow up.


This is exactly what was happening to me as a Destruction Warlock.

Any AoE would instantly trigger them, My Voidwalker’s AoE melee would hit them, My automatic Havoc ability would randomly select them and my spells would hit them.

I absolutely agree these need to be removed, or made to be able to actually be killed instead of just exploding 5 ft away and then coming right back at you.


if there is some trick to actually killing them i would love to know it. right now there are 2 sitting right on top of the boss Spinshroom and a 3rd nearby.

Spinshroom on a delv 3 (5.8 mill level 77) will be rough at level 75 but doable. with 2 or 3 sporbits it’s likely pointless.

With the explorers competition this delve is insane. Trying to do Kalith (the memory killing mirror image one) while a spore is ontop of him is impossible. Trying to remember things while avoiding the spores is beyond me.

At the very least make them killable, I hate them but would be willing to grit through it if they didn’t come back after being killed.


They’ve fixed them to make the sporbits killable now. It’s so much better going through a fungarian delve and not being chased and thrown around all the time.


That’s good news, I wonder if they fixed the 3rd challenge bugging out as well.

such a good change.

Recently had a bugged sporbit stuck at 1% health and refused to release me from combat so I couldn’t interact with any of the treasure and had to restart. Couldn’t even use feign death because my companion won’t do the same and keeps me locked in combat.

they also somehow manage to keep you stuck in combat even after they explode which is rare but has happened to my twice now and ruined any chances of me collecting XP in the entire delve. Or healing up naturally but that’s no big deal.

Please DONT remove sporbits, I use them to breeze through the delve on my priest, if a priest can avoid getting hit by them then it’s just a skill issue if you die to sporbits on any other class.

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Exactly: If you get the hang of killing them they will one-shot the ordinary mobs and help you whittle down the elites. When I’m undergeared I’ve used them and Brann to do most of the damage while I run scared.

The fact that they respawn only makes them more useful.

They are generally easy to avoid, but stay away from ledges if you think you might get hemmed in and have to soak one.

umm no they need to stay they 1 shot the trash if you pull them into them just learn how to deal with it and its quickest delve