Fun ruined after nerfing pods

Playing with PODS in the open world using it in pvp was the most fun i’ve had in a video game in years! why submit to a handful of complainers and ruin the fun for everyone. Please remove the restriction of it only being usable in NAZ.


Probably not going to happen…just use it in the aquatic zone that created it and call it a day.

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bump, give me back my pods!


As sad as I am that this happened, I can’t recall a single example of something being un-nerfed. I’m still bummed they nerfed the Underlight Angler while in combat.

The pods were fun while they lasted. :sob:

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When it’s a fun and cool thing, the crying of some becomes a mantra on blizzard, so they solve what? nerf it! is the only thing we know how to do right (?) instead of improving classes that need pvp mobility and that, with this item helped a lot, look what they do…


As an alliance player, when i find my self fighting 1 horde and then more appears (Well this happens ALL of the time) this item WAS a life saver.

Most of the game-play are in kul/zul doing invasions and dailies.


Are we going to pretend like it was a fair item for wpvp?

Made mages even more untouchable.

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As a fellow paladin, I’m shocked to hear you say this. I loved the pods, even against mages. Now, trying to kill a resto druid with pods? That’s pretty much impossible.


Pretty much the only class that can get away/use it with their own ablities to be untouchable.

I chased a resto druid across mechagon pre nerf trying to get ahold of him xd

I did enjoy it just as much as death knights I’m sure. It helped with our classes mobility issues. But that is what our burst damage is balanced around.

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Fun detected, fun fixed


Theres nothing more fun than a hopping war where the 2+ people involved both have them.
Its really sad they nerfed them.
I wonder how many of those who hate them are those who dont understand how they are best used?
And those who think its such a huge deal that “they let you get to places you couldnt go without a pod”… thats facking lame. Ever hear of flight?
I have heard so many lame excuses why need to go.
If you cant deal with them being used then learn how and dont be so pathetic.



I had fun exploring sunwell argus and timeless isle


Shame, made things SO fun. Well that is what happens when you cater to the carebears in Wold of Hugcraft.


please bring back our pods.!


Oh I DID enjoy those miscreants.

Pods should be restored and allowed to be used everywhere including arena, rated bgs and casual bgs. Anyone who disagrees is a crybaby.

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Lol this post

Unfortunately I the complainers are normally the loudest, the ones who are happy really don’t complain.

The squeeky wheel gets fixed first

I think that’s it, might be worded differently but close enough

Kinda of like the Starbucks cup situation, only a handful of people were mad about it but they were so loud in their complaining that it seemed like a bigger problem than it actually was.

Not making this political about Starbucks just a example

Pods where the only reason my Priest lived more then 20 seconds in almost any encounter.

I don’t see any reason to go back to retail and just be a free kill again. The pods for the first time made my priest feel viable. It’s clear that the problem with priests isn’t our spell set or skill set, rather its the stupid lack of mobility.

Out of the mouths of babes, right? And people said my ranged totem pole was incorrect.