Fun little themed hearthstone "path of the naaru"

for all you paladins or priests who follow the light, after you complete the manari draenai questline, a vendor on argus begins to sell some draenai stuff and also a themed naaru hearthstone if u didnt know


I did that quest but never saw the hearthstone

so off to go farm up 900 veiled argunite :slight_smile:

Iā€™m guessing I gotta do something to get the cloth to drop for my tailor?

edit: k, I gotta train legion tailoring, or buy the cloth for 19s each from the AH.

prolly gonna just buy it :slight_smile:

edit 2: to get flying in Legion I gotta do Broken Isle Pathfinder :frowning:

That rep grind is gonna take for ever.

I thought we all got Legion flying after so many expacs later? no?