Guild & Server: < Fun Havers > :horde: US-Mankrik
Raid Times/Days: Sunday 9 PM-1:00 AM EST
Loot Type: Loot Council
Recruitment Contacts: Deism#1427 BNET or Discord- Liltaco#0801
Current Progression: Multiple full clear Kara runs, Gruuls 2/2 , Mag on farm
Requirements: We are looking for skilled and exp players that would like to clear old raids in a 1 night clear, We are all CE players that have been pushing top end US kills since Vanilla and still raiding on retail, we expect players to put in the same work into gearing.
Needs: Currently looking for : / resto sham, holy pally, holy priest, / boomkin, ele sham , rogue, warrior dps, Mage , surv hunter, Ret pali.
LF those big trials lets go!
LF those players wanting to have fun killing some bosses and enjoy old raids !
Hello, I’m responding to your guild recruitment post on the forums. I play a rogue, I’m available to raid weekday evenings and weekends. My old guild didn’t have any spot open for me and my current guild doesn’t raid. I will hit lvl 70 tonight and have already started my Kara attunement quest. I also sent u a friend request and DM on discord.
Guild & Server: < Fun Havers > :horde: US-Mankrik
Raid Times/Days: Sunday 9 PM-1:00 AM EST
Loot Type: Loot Council
Recruitment Contacts: Deism#1427 BNET or Discord- Liltaco#0801
Current Progression: Clearing Kara with and pugging people for Grulls/mag
Requirements: We are looking for skilled and exp players that would like to clear old raids in a 1 night clear, We are all CE players that have been pushing top end US kills since Vanilla and still raiding on retail, we expect players to put in the same work into gearing.
Needs: Currently Looking for all classes and roles
lvl 69 mage looking for raiding guild. if interested bump me on bnet- Rosgaros#1423. i m available to xfer from azuresong.
LF all skilled players!
Gruuls soon!
friendly guild lf solid players
looking for recruits
LFM good players!
LFM gamers for 25 mans!
LFM players to game
LFM gamers
LF those select gamers
Do you guys still need a tank pally ??? I’m on Herod but I’ll transfer over for raiding 100%
Are you guys still recruiting a prot pally?
If you guys are looking for a prot pally still add me on btag grevan#1322
LF gamers to game
killing dragons with friends