"Fun Guy" title and gender pronouns

I shouldn’t have to. “Lord” has become a gender neutral title. I love my female character, but I hate “Lady of War.” It’s stupid. I’d rather be “Lord of War.” It sounds awesome.

It’s a title, not the end of the world. Some of these gender titles just sound awkward and I shouldn’t have to change to a male, when my character has been female for 16 years.

It’s an option to pick whatever.

A change that affects no one negatively and has zero impact on their gameplay… and people get all cranky. I’ll never understand it.

I might be confused by your question. How are you excluded? The idea was for an option to choose whichever title you wanted.


If Jaina can be called Lord Admiral, I see no issues with unlocking the titles to any gender.


Well i guess you have a point. I’m just fatigued by all this stuff. I can’t tell whos serious and whos trolling. To a degree I’m a traditionalist. I don’t like changing things once they;ve been cemented in. Like James Bond who has been a Male character for decades would be entirely out of place to star a female lead instead of creating a new equal. In this instance i would say rework Lady of War into something more badass.


Trust me, the majority of us are fatigued by all this already. Blizz opened the way for people to get in and ask about every single change or point to things they want removed or changed. In some way is good, but it is being highly overdone by now.

Reminds me to the High Elf fans in intensity, possibly beyond.

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Male blood elves. gg

I can no longer tell the difference between the SJWs and the trolls satirizing them.


Part of this is because not only has society been gaslit into believing things like there are no differences between men and woman and someone that never had the potential to have a baby is in fact a woman, you can get punished for stating that obvious fact. It’s just an article of faith you must not blaspheme against.

So it’s very hard to tell the difference between competing absurdities.


I’m not opposed to a male character walking around with “Crazy Cat Lady”, as their title. I can’t find any reason why that can’t be a thing aside from abiding by gender stereotypes. I’m just not pushing for it to appease “gender pronouns”. 'Cause making these titles available isn’t showing support for “gender pronouns”. The game is still stuck on a 2 gender system by only identifying male and female genders.


Blizz don’t have to follow no made up gender law. This topic is old it reminds me of 2005 trade on my server boring.


o wow i didnt know they were puns but its nice to see titles that arent so serious

Too human-centric for a game where humans make up only a small minority of the player base.

I say “Crazy Cat Being”!

It’s like people don’t understand humor, but are only looking for the next reason to be offended.

It’s unfortunate, but still funny nonetheless.


You seem to be confusing biological sex with social gender.


What gets me is that people think this thread is all about that, when it isn’t. Some of us, regardless of social genders or equality, just don’t like the way some of these titles got slapped onto our character because they’re male or female. For me, it’s “Lord of War.” That title isn’t used for just men and “Lady of War” sounds stupid. So a really cool title I can’t use, because it’s stuck to the gender of my character. And no, “just change it in the barbershop” is not the answer. Been a female character for 16 years and that’s not changing.

Letting people choose between the titles is not the end of the world.


I want brownies

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Fun Thing might be taken as being objectifying of objects

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Thing is, that’s not an absurd thing to do. Conflation of the two is nothing new. Distinction of the two is something new.

One look at even the wiki for “Social construction of gender” begins with the sentence " The social construction of gender is a theory in feminism and sociology about the manifestation of cultural origins, mechanisms, and corollaries of gender perception and expression in the context of interpersonal and group social interaction." Both feminism and even sociology are relatively recent in the history of philosophy and the sciences.

It’s a theory. Of feminism. The distinction between sex and gender outside a grammatical context has never been a matter of common understanding. The push to make it so is recent.

I don’t fault the guy.


Its also largely an American thing. There are still major parts of the world where these things result in shooting or stoning which they tend to forget. No not advocating for shooting or stoning, just pointing out your freedoms would be shockingly limited outside of this nation.

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this so much this play a female gendered toon if you want the as most of the armors are all ready mix and match male/female

I didn’t fault anyone. I simply pointed out the confusion. There is a difference.

Social gender is not largely an American thing. At all.

I’m not swapping to a male gender when I’ve been female for 16 years so that I can have the “Lord of War” title. There’s nothing wrong with asking for the option of different titles.

Step One: Replace them all with tacos.
Step Two: We all fall apart sometimes, just like tacos.
Step Three: Everyone loves tacos…
Step Four: ??? Why can’t we all love who we wanna love ???