Fun detected

Ive been playing WoW on and off for at least 17 years and during every expansion I could pinpoint when something would come along that would look very fun like a certain toy or event and blizzard would either put an insane cooldown on using that toy or nerf the absolute pants off something making it totally dead.

Now I know certain toys and events are meant to be around and then go away without breaking gameplay structures or destroy the lore. Certain things like an hour Cooldown on a toy that makes me a gorilla in a bubble that only has a duration of 5 minutes seems very silly. I know that fun things like that make the game a little better for people and obviously everyone doesnt really want to have to earn something they can either A use only once every 2 hours for a time limit of 10 minutes or B be required to use in a certain zone only. I guess all im asking is for blizzard to go easy on the CDs for toys and make certain events that people enjoy doing less of a grind before it gets nerfed for being too rewarding.

Ive always thought the toy thing has been the most ridiculous thing and if they really want to step in the right direction for the player base they could at least relax some of the insane cooldowns at the very least in towns. Id totally be down for a buff in main cities and towns for a 70% reduced cooldown on certain toys and items

Obviously this isnt the most important issue but it could be for someone and could be a quick fix. I know many Rpers who would love this at the very least.