A Hardcore Raiding guild on Pagle-US is Recruiting Holy Paladins to join our Core Raid Team for speed runs and progression runs.
Culture: Fully Rested provides a place for players to reach their maximum potential focused on min/max performance and fast paced game play to provide challenge even in farm tier content. For more information and details feel free to ask for a copy of our Membership Declaration.
Raiding Schedule: During Progression raiding members are committed to clearing content as soon as it is available.
Schedule for raid Splits for non progression
Raid 1 - Tuesday 8pm EST Start || BWL > MC > Ony || ~10pm ESt End
Raid 2 - Thursday 8pm EST Start || BWL > MC > Ony || ~10pm ESt End
Raid 3 - Sunday 8pm EST Start || BWL > MC > Ony || ~10pm ESt End
Loot System: Transparent Loot Council
World Bosses: Fully Rested members are committed to pursuing every world boss with scouting and readiness during spawn windows
Contact: Chains or Eltos
discord.gg / vfbQDAJ