Full Realms not full?

I was thinking of starting a new character on a new server for me. Names are important to me and I got what I wanted. A horde Warrior on a server that shows as Full. When I logged in, Orgrimmar was totally dead and there was zero trade chat. I checked several “Full” servers. Can anyone tell me what I’m missing? These are not full servers.

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you are probably on a different shard / phasing because of the new level of the character.
How is the trade chat?
did you check the statistics of the raiding guilds and mythic+ of the server as well?

Which server was it? Probably an Alliance one if Orgrimmar was dead.

Area 52 is a full server that’s horde heavy. I can vouch for that because I’m playing on a very old computer and every time I go to Valdrakken, I lag.

Same with Org a bit but not as bad as Val. There’s all kinds of players on A52.

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Several things.

First, they have a life aka a job that forces them to slave away at a seperate location from their home. They don’t have time during the day, and most people are on at night time.
Not being mean to you, i just hate the whole concept of being forced to work just to have a place to sleep at night lol.

Then, faction balance. I am currently maining on Proudmoore.
As Horde.
Proudmoore is like 97% Alliance. So Horde chat is literally dead at any hour of the day or night. Not even trolls. Just silence for like 8 hours a day, excluding bot-spammers in services lol.

also, maybe nobody likes you. Kidding, obviously, nobody would know you lol.

Then consider they mean “full” as in "there will come a time when you have to wait in a queue to log in. Could be five seconds, could be a couple of hours.
Also, full does not mean active, its just how many characters are using up space.
It could literally just be like…10 people with 40 alts. Not likely, but still lol.

But I would wager its most likely a combo between sharding tech being bad, people are taking a break before the next expansion, bad timing with hours, and server faction balance.

Trust me, just frigging trust me on this…check the faction balance before joining a server.
Most of my characters are lucky and were on Icecrown since like the end of BC. A pretty close…something something kind of a community, despite being a bunch of toxic jerks that have mostly been playing WoW since Vanilla, or pretend that they have. Still, you gotta find the right server.

Icecrown got merged with Malygos and went from toxic to “nuke that server from orbit, i don’t care if my friends and family are there…they are infected and must burn”
Like, guilds collapsed. I know. I lost nearly 800 members between my two guilds, one horde one alliance. All too some psycho using 27 accounts to pretend to be different people and start drama with people and then agree with themselves…or sometimes even argue with themselves. Malygos was just the worst.
Now its just the remnants of the people left who just like to play the game and never talk really, ooooor its just… A. Chat. All. Night.

Each server is, essentially, a closed off environment. One server might be okay with profanity and slurs and and and…then the next server won’t even allow you to get away with saying “darn” or “schucks”.

Gotta find the right server. Fish around. Ask people on Reddit. Way more people will be able to give you more detailed and honest answers on reddit than you can get here on the Safety Forums. Ask around in some discords.

“Full” refers to the realm’s total population, not to the number of people currently logged in.

as an aside, there’s not much reason for people to be in Org at this point so I’m not sure what you’d expect to see there

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Full is basically a warning that on launch days for new expansions or major patches, you will likely have a queue time or lag.

It doesn’t mean the server is currently full with logged in players right at that moment.

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