Full raid geared fury warr LF home

Fully geared Fury Warrior LF guild to finish classic with. I have a full tank O/S and not afraid to use it. I come fully prepared for raid and expect my co-raiders to do the same. Looking for anything 7-11 EST any day of the week.

Mind Games 3 raids clearing BWL under 40 minutes. Hit me up on Skeram or add me @ Jaedan#1739

[H]Kromcrush|8/8 BWL|11/11 MC/ONY

Effect is currently recruiting. All content available in both raid groups.

Raid 1 - Tuesday/Thursday 8pm-11pm EST
Currently looking for:
1 Rogue
1 Fury Warrior
1-2 Resto Shamans

Raid 2 - Tuesday/Wednesday 8pm-11pm EST
Currently looking for:
1 Resto Shaman
1 DPS (full on mages)

Exceptions may be made for skilled players and we encourage anyone that is interested to speak with us.

Loot System - Both groups use a Zero Sum DKP with open bidding system. With both groups using the same system, your DKP carries over to both raids. If you are in raid 2, but go with raid 1 for a week, you will still have the same amount of DKP to spend in raid 1.

On off nights we also run around 3-4 ZG groups a week as a guild (not separate raid groups)

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Discord: Frostitute#1270 or Judgefudge/Malaz#4961

Beware if you are a new recruit thinking of joining Effect. There is a six week trial period where new recruits cannot bid on BWL loot.

There is no DKP wipe or decay mechanism.

R1 and R2 shares common DKP pool.

R1 is the mature raid. It is not in common for R1 members to have 10-20 weeks of saved DKP.
R2 is new, and had few DKP points.

To fix the disparity, R2 was given 6 weeks of bonus DKP.

No new recruit will get this. Thus, will take 6 weeks of normal raiding for a new recruit to become equal to a regular in DKP.

Join Effect if you want MC loot and if you want to help regulars get BWL loot.

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Hi Pmillah!

The Basement is a semi-casual guild that clears content within 2 hours. We organize buff parties and walk into progression raids with our game faces on, while still erring on the side of fun/lighthearted. Would love to have another fury warrior in the ranks! We are EST on Westfall, and we raid Friday/Sunday/Monday with invites at 8pm and pull at 830pm.

If this sounds like the home for you feel free to add me on bnet @ Liayda#1347 and we can discuss more! Hope to hear from you :slight_smile:

Dont know if you are still LFG big beefy guy. But if you feel like transferring and faction changing The Scarlet Dawn is LF some dps wars. We were one of the few guilds on Pagle that cleared BWL in the first week. Here is a link to our recruitment post :slight_smile: Good luck either way!

We are recruiting! We’re a semi hardcore bunch of people looking for more to join our core. Our raid nights are currently Tuesdays and Thursdays 8p.m. to 11p.m. server time. We are 8/8 BWL, 10/10 MC, 1/1 Ony and are capable of clearing BWL/MC in our three hour raid window.

Currently recruiting:

Tanks: Low
Priests: Med (1-2 Holy/Disc)
Druid: Med (1-2 Resto)
Shaman: Med (1-2 Resto)
Warrior: High (2-3)
Mage: Med (1-2)
Warlock: Low
Rogue: Closed
Hunter: Low

We’re also looking for an experienced and capable raid leader for AQ and beyond! Please Contact: Tazik, Saxton, Bigkrit, or Commitment in game or contact me on discord at Tazik#6868.